Wednesday, March 28, 2012

One must have proof of that God has created man and the world, because, no one has seen god creating the creation.

The quest of truth begins with inquiring: Is there a God ? what is his nature?

There has to be a proof. When such questions arise then it is the starting point of the quest for truth. Everyone has their own idea of god or no God, according to his parental grooming or accepted idea through circumstances. But he must know god as Truth. One must have proof of that God has created man and the world, because, no one has seen god creating the creation.  One can only assume or imagine about the existence of God.  God exist only for those who accept the belief system.

  • v  Why did God create pain and pleasure?
  • v  Why does he crate pleasure and make one indulge in pleasure? 
  • v  Why does he torture people with misery, new epidemics, terrorism, and wars?
  • v  Has God no better business to do?
  •  Why he created pain and pleasure in his creation? 
  • v  Is god a sadist and teaching people lessons through these violence and sufferings.
  • v  What lesson can God teach the people died in terrorism and wars, which is going on in the name of religion and god? 
  • v  How can one accept that God is all-merciful when he constantly displeases all humanity with hide and seek play of pain and pleasure? 
  • v  How does one know that man is related to God?

  • v  Why God created injustice, oppression, starvation, poverty, exploitation, inequality, slavery, epidemics, violence and wars?"

Only through scriptures one is saying man and world are creation of god.  No one has ever seen God, creating this universe, that he has manifested himself is merely supposed. Even it may be god’s creation, but how do one know, because man and world was not in existence prior to his creation. Man is talking of gods’ creation only after god created it. The religion, scriptures saints and sages prophets came into existence only after the creation came into existence.  Therefore, the scriptures cannot be taken as proof.

The saints and sages, prophets, might have been imagined the existence of god. To accept these scriptures blindly without reasoning is to possess the sheepish mentality.

Inquiry implies doubt, proof, evidence, so that even if God were to come and say that He is God, one would inquire into the truth of the statement. People are overawed by doctrines enunciated upon authority of some god men or religion or scripture.

The truth is universal, not individual. The truth must be tested.  If it is true, it will survive the test and will bear proof, without any scriptural authority to support it.  The idea of god cannot stand without the religious authority.  The religious authority suggests the existence of god but it cannot prove his existence. Blindly believing and belief is not the proof, because the belief is not god.

The truth has to be un-contradictable and it has to universally applicable. The truth has to be common for all people who pursue inquiry to the utmost extent.  The world often appears to be a reality when it is not properly inquired into. Even if most of the population declare that this world is the ultimate reality, their assertion is of less value than the assertions of a seekers of truth who have inquired into the nature and reality of the world and found it to be an idea.
Conviction of the Truth comes only by adequate reasoning in right direction. The bookish knowledge is not the means to acquire Self-Knowledge; there must be reasoning on them to know they are speaking of un-contradictable truth.

Some have got faith in a particular religion or teaching. Some have no faith in them. Thus there is contradiction. Nothing can be done about it. In the real truth there can be no contradiction, nor any possibility of it.

How does one know there a God? The onus of proof is on the one who makes this assertion.  Without proof one should not accept any doctrine. To reason means to go to the very end of things.

Verification, the testing and proving of truth, is absolutely necessary in pursuit of truth; in religion the truth is merely assumed.

There are degrees of truth, most doctrines are partially correct in coming gradually nearer to truth and thus pointing towards it.  Only nondual alone cannot be contradicted, all others are contradictable. The religion is based assuming the existence of god.  Mere assuming the existence of the god makes one accept the duality as reality.  The idea of god makes one think he an individual separate from the world and idea of god. Until this conviction is there discovering, assimilating and realizing the ultimate truth is impossibility.

As deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base reveals the fact that, the nature of truth is non-dual. It can never be changed under any circumstances. It may be misrepresented. It must apply to the whole of existence, to the whole of the three states. It is in the experience of duality alone that one has all changes.

 The ultimate truth remains unchanged and remains immortal. It can never die for it never changes. The mind is seen, and goes, but the witness or knower of the mind, can never go. Seeker has to take this principle as his guiding thread and non-dual truth becomes easy to assimilate.

 The reality can never be subject to the changes of the unreal; it is unchanged. The mistake usually made is that real becomes unreal, or that unreal is real.

Scholastic or mystic argument leads nowhere. If one says “God is formless “another will say, God has a form. If one says "this scriptures has higher then all other scriptures” another will say, "No, that is lower and there are many scriptures higher then that." It is impossible to get anywhere with such talk because both sides are merely assuming and imagining. Truth means the absence of conflict.

The soul or consciousness or spirit dwell in all the three states as their formless substance and witness. People worship only images or their belief, thinking that God is there. People do not recognize Soul  or consciousness or spirit, the innermost  Self to be the real God, but that they do not realize that god, as the spirit, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.

The ignorant people are not capable of   discriminate and reason to unfold the mystery of the mind. Therefore, they will not be able to grasp the non-dual truth. Self-  realization  frees one from bondage of duality(waking) , which he experiences as reality.

The belief system makes people to believe the duality is reality therefore, they cannot think beyond physicality. The individualized God can exist only in  the realm of duality.    

No one has ever seen God; they only heard or read about him. Some may claim they seen him in their vision.  But vision is mere an experience similar to dream. If one takes the visions as real then the dream also has to be taken as reality. Observe how one religion is inimical towards another. Why has God created them so?

 No one knows god’s capacities, what he can create, and what he cannot create. Therefore, any statement one might make about God would only be a lie, because god can exist only when man exists, and believes in the belief of god. If there is no belief then there is no god. Thus god is the religious software used in belief system.  If the software is discarded then it is only physical existence that prevails.  The truth will unfold only when one is able to know the truth beyond the physical existence.

The truth of religion can only be proved by physical strength or by imagination, or power of the weapon or political power, never by reason.  Belief in religious prohibitions arises out of fear of God's punishment.  Religion is not truth merely because it always shows contradiction.

Seeker of truth has to regard the theosophy in the same way as he regards the idea of God of religion.  Mere assuming or imagining the gods’ existence through belief will remain as belief. The belief is not truth, because every religion has its own belief, thus belief is limited to individuality, so it is not universal.   The belief cannot be god, because to believe in something man has to exist prior to god to believe. Until and unless one finds the answer for: with what the physical body is able to function itself as a person and perceive the world, the truth will not be unfolded.  The truth is based on the power which holds the physical existence, not on the physical existence, which appears and disappears.   

Religionists place God as the unknown reality and they base everything on the creation and creator theory. Every religionist has a different idea of God. Every man has a different idea of reality, hence there is need to know the ultimate truth.  The fallacy of religionist’s appeal to scripture lies in the varying and conflicting interpretations of the same scripture which different persons feel entitled to give or hold.

Therefore, one has overcome all the inherited conditioning of belief system to unfold the mystery of the physical existence or universe or mind.  Reason is common to all, whereas belief system is based on individual speculation and imagination.  The truth cannot be based on the belief system or on its scriptures. 

Scripture can be interpreted in a many different ways and hence can never finally determine truth. Many scholars, god men, priests and intellectuals, each have different interpretations for example.  Most people take their own interpretations and call it truth.

The god exists only when the man exists. Man and his experience of the world exist only when the mind exists. Therefore it is necessary to unfold the truth of man’s existence, before investigating about gods’ existence.   Until and unless one is able to unfold the mystery of the mind, which appears and disappears, he will not be able to know the reality of the true existence.

Individualized God propagated by the belief system can exist only in experience of duality. Deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning revels the fact that, the self is not physical, but it is the formless spirit. The experience of duality or mind is mere mirage on the standpoint of the  soul or consciousness or spirit.  Reasoning on the physical base is erroneous when one finds the fact that the self is not physical. Therefore, one has to base the reason on the  formless soul , which is the innermost self.   

soul-centric reasoning reveals the fact that , whatever is seen known believed and experienced as a person within the universe or waking  is bound to be falsehood, because they are based on the false physical self or waking entity or ego. The seeker can become aware of the fact that, physical existence is mere illusion  through soul-centric reasoning.

Thus, man and his experience of world and his belief of god is part and parcel of the mirage. The mirage is created, sustained by spirit(soul or consciousness)  and finally it dissolves as spirit(soul or consciousness). The formless substance and witness of the mirage is real and eternal.

Reason is not intuition but that which exercise of thinking faculty which distinguishes between error and truth. But reason must be rectified from form base to formless base. The aim is to rectify it and make use of it. When it is rectified, the closer to truth one proceeds.

Therefore, soul-centric  reasoning is necessary in order to unfold the mystery of the physical existence or mind or universe  to realize the fact that, the physical existence or universe  is mere mirage.  Only the ultimate truth  or Brahman can be taken as god, because god is not an entity or identity within the experience of diversity because it pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.   

Monday, March 26, 2012

An old story about the Advaitic orthodox and untouchable

An old story about the Advaitic orthodox and untouchable:- 

Ancient day’s orthodox people used to   take dip in the river.  An Advaitic orthodox took a dip in the river. And as he was coming up the steps, a man touched him on purpose, not accidentally, and told him, "Please forgive me. I am a low caste, I am untouchable. I am sorry sir, but you will have to take another dip in the river to clean yourself."

The orthodox Advaitic scholar was very angry. He said, "It was not accidental, the way you did that; you did it on purpose. You should be punished in hell."

The man said: - When all is illusory, it seems only hell remains real." That took the orthodox scholar aback.

The man said, "Before you go for your dip, you have to answer my few questions. If you don't answer me, each time you come up after your bath, I will touch you."

It was lonely and nobody else was there, so orthodox Advaitin said, "You seem to be a very strange person. What are your questions?"

v  He said, "My first question is: Is my body illusory?
v  Is your body illusory?

v  And if two illusions touch each other, what is the problem?
v  Why are you going to take another bath?

v  You are not practicing what you are preaching. How, in an illusory world, can there be a distinction between the untouchable and the Brahmin? -- The pure and the impure? -- When both are illusory, when both are made of the same stuff as dreams are made of? What is the fuss?"

The Advaitin scholar could not answer this simple man because any answer was going to be against his understanding of philosophy. If he says they are illusory, then there is no point in being angry about it. If he says they are real, then at least he accepts the reality of bodies... but then there is a problem. If human bodies are real, then animal bodies, the bodies of the trees, the bodies of the planets, the stars... then everything is real.

The man said, "I know you cannot answer this -- it will finish your whole philosophy. I will ask you another question: I am a low caste, untouchable, impure, but where is my impurity -- in my body or in my soul? I have heard you declaring that the soul is absolutely and forever pure, and there is no way to make it impure; so how can there be a distinction between souls? Both are pure, absolutely pure, and there are no degrees of impurity -- that somebody is more pure and somebody is less pure. So perhaps it is my soul that has made you impure and you have to take another dip in the river?"

That was even more difficult. But he had never been in such trouble -- actual, practical, in a way scientific. Rather than arguing about words, the low caste had created a situation in which the Advaitic scholar accepted his defeat.

The low caste said, "Then don't go take another dip. Anyway there is no river, no me, no you; all is illusory. Just go in the temple -- that too is an illusion -- and pray to God. He too is an illusion, because whatever appeared as waking experience is also as unreal as the dream.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

There is a need to analyze the three states, in order to realize the existence of the formless witness of the three states.

The term thought must be used differently from the term experience. A thought is any passing fancy or any feeling or any desire which comes and goes within the waking or dream. The thought belongs to individual within the waking or dream.

An experience is not a thought in the above sense but a sensation of some object which is apparently outside the true self. Thus the experience is prior to the thought.   The thought rises within the experience (waking or dream).

 Seeker has to observe the fact that the dreamer may imagine himself to be hunting, ruling or flying when in waking life he never does any of these. Hence his dream ego is entirely a concocted one, fictitious and superimposed on reality. Precisely the same applies to the waking ego. 

The waking experience includes the others because it is only when one is awake that he knows dream and sleep exists. During dream itself he takes it for the time being as though it was waking, and he is unable to know otherwise.

The necessary contrast to enable one to distinguish between the dual and non dual experiences can only be effected whilst awake, when only he can perceive that waking is only an experience that comes and goes; he cannot perceive this during dream or sleep. Hence realization can only be effected in the waking experience. Hence There is a need to analyze  the  three states,  in order to realize the existence of the formless witness of the three states. 

When in a dream, if one is  aware that all the forms, phantasms etc. that he sees are of the same stuff as the essence of the mind; it is knowledge; the dream ceases to be a dream (with its reality) and it comes and goes as mere experience.  The experiencer is formless.

 When my mind is present dream or waking experience is there; when it ceases (as in sleep) the waking disappears. Therefore one has to infer by comparison and agreement that the existence of the waking or dream is connected with the duality of the mind.

The attributes of the mountain one sees in dream i.e. its hardness, sizes form etc. is in the mind. Thus mind is waking or dream.  Similarly in this world the attributes of the various people and objects, are in the mind, the formless substance and witness of the mind is conciousness.  Mind ceases to exist in deep sleep and death but its basis still continues and must continue. 

Soul-centric reasoning is necessary to unfold the mystery of the mind or universe.

One remembers a dream after it has passed. He does not remember it as a waking experience, but only as a dream. In the dream, if he were expected to remember waking experience it should similarly be remembered as a dream and not as a waking experience. In dream one has his food, body, hands, car etc. This proves that what was known in waking reappears in dream, where again it seems real. How could he recognize cake in his dream, unless he had previously seen it in waking? Thus the waking entity is not the knower of the whole waking experience. The knower is the one which knows the waking/dream/deep sleep experience as a whole.

 This is the reply to the objection that one cannot remember waking life in dream, although he remembers dreams in waking.

The soul or consciousness, the innermost self   witnesses the picture of the waking world and converts sensation into its own images. It is the same as in dream, where it creates its own dream world that exists within it.

 The conscious inquiry into the nature of the objective world during the waking experience gradually brings about a "waking up" during the dream experience and one begins to realize that one is dreaming. That means that if one sees an animal during his dream, he will understand quite well that the tiger is only his idea, or dream. But this condition will arise only after the mind has saturated itself with inquiry and discrimination during waking experience.

How is dreamless sleep known? No waking  or dream were present then. Hence it is only known by negation of the duality as a whole; in the same way the pure self is also only known by negation.  The gap between two experiences which appears and disappears is equivalent to the deep sleep state.  The knower of the all the dual (waking or dream) and non dual (deep sleep) is formless non dual and eternal.  

Deep sleep and the dream are ever present with us, but the idea of time prevents us from apprehending them, for it makes one think that such and such a thing has ended and so on.

Soul-centric reasoning  is necessary to unfold the mystery of the mind or universe. one has to inquire   into the the world facing him, before he can understand the truth of their reality. The presence of objective world is known only in terms of their absence that is the color black is known as black only in terms of contrast with the color white. Hence Reality is to be known only as distinguished from unreality. In deep sleep the entire waking or dream disappears from consciousness, that is, becomes unreal. Therefore, the different experiences are really relative to each other. In realm of truth when the one becomes aware of Reality there is no distinction between the three states.

Self-Awareness is is not a state

If  the soul, consciously  remains in its own formless non-dual true nature in the midst of duality,  it is called Self -Awareness. Self-Awareness is is not a state. Self-Awareness rises when the ignorance vanishes through wisdom.  It cannot be indicated by words. It can be understood only as negating the illusion. It is that on which the duality  stand; it is present in all the three states. If one can say that everything is mirage , he must admit that the mirage s must have a substratum.

Mirage  cannot stand without the substratum. There should be a mind in which ideas stand. Similarly there should be a substratum for the illusory super-imposed waking.

 If one had only the state of pain, could he have had the idea of pain? No. It is impossible. Yogi’s claims make no sense when they talk of perpetual bliss, for they could form no idea of it unless they also had pain. Since there any bliss in deep sleep. It means that after awaking, one contrasts the troubles of waking with their absence in sleep. In latter there is only one state and hence no second thing for comparison is seen, and there is then unconsciousness.   

When there is no duality, one can say nothing about it either way. Similarly suppose one had only the waking experience, could he then know it was waking? He would have nothing to distinguish it from. Now he who says dream is unreal, automatically states that waking is real and vice versa. Hence waking is real to him who has seen dreams and to none else.

People who base themselves on the waking entity have to verify the validity of their own belief and understanding based on their inherited dross. In dream one may see hundreds of persons and thousands of objects, as in waking. At the time all these persons seemed real. Here also in waking he has hundreds of persons and same objects. There is no difference between the two groups of persons and things. All seemed real at the time of waking or dream. Thus both waking and dream both are unreal, because they appear and disappear. 

The formless knower of the three states which is soul  or consciousness is real. deeper self-search help the seeker to realize the fact that,  neither the dream nor the waking can be experienced at the same time. When there is dream the waking is absent when thee waking the dream is absent. When the waking and dream is absent there is nothing exists other then the knower of the dream.

Even the snow in Alphas mountains are being melted in form of water, and they are thus ever-changing their form. The most important principle however is that all forms, whether waking or dream, are illusory because they are perceived in ignorance.  Merely because things and persons appear to one as real, is no justification for taking them as such.

 One is aware only of a succession of waking experience, each comes and goes; similarly with dream. Some people object and say that the same waking world reappears, to them the reply is: - that the idea of sameness is illusory and must be inquired into.

 One may think one is in the same city which he is living, but if he inquires and examine it scientifically, he will find it has undergone change throughout.

Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience.

 The  seeker  of truth  mentally drops the religion, scriptures and god glorification and yoga after realizing they are not the means to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. The mind is annihilated and since he is immersed in non-dual Self-Awareness, such one is a Gnani. He does not go to any ‘world nor does he come to any ‘world ’. So is this state.

  Soul or consciousness, the innermost self  is the formless substance of the mind. ‘True self is not ‘breath’, true self is not the ‘body’ but true self the soul or consciousness,  the formless witness of this ‘mind or universe or ’I’ .’

 The mental strength is based on the ego is helpful only in  activities of practical world.   through soul-centric  reasoning one attains a ‘the non dual Self-Awareness.

Mind  came out of the formless  soul  and disappeared as soul. the soul is present in the form of consciousness.  Therefore soul is the innermost  self is   also the sleeper, dreamer and the waker.

 Soul is only the witness. soul does not belong to any particular state and  unaffected by coming and going of  any states . But in ignorance it  gets attached to the illusory states. One can analyze the three states if he thinks deeply to realize the form,time and space are one in essence,  therefore the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus consciousness alone is real and eternal. .

When soul , the innermost self identifies itself with a particular state, waking or dream, it becomes identified and individualized. The true nature of soul  has no identification because it is formless. In deep sleep, it does not identify itself and remains un-individualized. 

Thus seeker must have perfect understanding  and assimilation of 'what is what' in order to acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  

The mind is in the form of Universe. Universe appears as waking or dream. Waking as it presents itself is unreal, same way as the dream. Thus waking or dream is simply illusion created out of consciousness.  To the man within the universe it is not an illusion because he has the conviction that he is an individual separate form the universe and he is born in this universe and universe existed prior to him.  Until this conviction is there he is bound to believe the birth, life, death and universe as reality.  Only in deeper self-search he becomes aware of the fact that, the mind is not within the body but body and the universe are within the mind.   And he also becomes aware of the fact that mind itself is the whole universe ,which appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep. 

To think once own body and his experience of the world is an illusion is difficult matter, unless one realizes the self is not physical but it is formless soul it is difficult to have glimpse of truth.

When one realizes the fact that, the self is not physical but the formless soul, naturally the body and universe becomes illusion.

The mind (universe) is emanating from soul (consciousness) means the mind is being effect from consciousness is not different from it. Deeper analysis shows it. Analysis needs deeper thinking and reasoning. Mind is whole universe thus it has a form. But where is the form in consciousness (soul) because consciousness is like an ocean and mind is like wave.  The universe is same consciousness, as the ocean produces the wave, so the consciousness produces the mind (universe).

The moment one knows the mind (universe) is consciousness, and then there is no ignorance. If one knows consciousness as self then everything is consciousness, the consciousness is second to none.  The mind is consciousness but due to ignorance one mistakes it for something else. One thinks the self is within the body; but the self is without the body and the world. 

Mind ceases to exist without the matter. Without the matter mind ceases to exist as mind but it exists as matter- less awareness or consciousness. Without the mind neither the world nor its perceiver can exist.

Without the matter there is no duality. Without duality there is no experience. Without experience it is non-dual reality. Therefore, whatever prevails without the mind is ultimate reality.

It is the Gnani or a ‘Jivan Mukta’ that is Liberated while still living in this body.

Just as witness  really remains unaffected by changing experiences in dream, (although one thinks at the time that a murderer is killing him) so the true self in waking is unchanged by its myriad thoughts and experiences. Just as waking after dream shows the murderer as not having been there other than delusion, so in waking up to non dual wisdom the entire world show is seen to have been only idea, unreal.

Deep Sleep is due to the absence of duality. It means that there is no positive misery or pleasure. In deep sleep there is only absence of misery and pleasure. But a Gnani must have the knowledge of the absence of duality even in the waking experience. Then only there is real Gnanic bliss. 

The soul or consciousness, the innermost self ,  which sees the three states coming and going in succession; and this "witness" unites through experience. Soul, the innermost self  witnessed the three states--what are they?

There is a surprising factor in this feeling that whole waking experience which contains man and the universe is only the ‘mind ’. Man is blind about his true self in the waking  or duality.

A blind man may not have physical vision but he sees everything with his ‘mental faculty’. He has ‘mental faculty ’every one when they though they may close their eyes they do see some scene through the ‘mental faculty’!

While dreaming, one does not use his eyes then – he is sleeping. But, he sees all kinds of scenes. One sees all kinds of scenes in dream. These eyes are not functioning then. The reason for seeing scenes in dream is ‘mental vision. So, even if there are no eyes, he sees through mental vision [mental eyes]. But, the Gnani has eyes and no ‘Mind’! Therefore, though he has eyes he does not see! On the base of ego he views and judges the worldview on the base of Atman the true self.

One should not act as per the ways of the ‘ego [physical base]'. One should view and judge on the base of true self to free himself from experiencing the duality as reality. If one thinks of taking the ‘the formless soul  or consciousness as self’ in the path of truth,’ it leads him towards the non- dual Self-Awareness..

One who understands and realizes what is this mind? And what is the substance of the mind and realizes and able to remain in the true nature (formless non-dual  nature) of the mind; it is the Gnani or a ‘Jivan Mukta’ that is Liberated while still living in this body.

One can understand easily that the entire waking experience is the same consciousness if he reduces waking experience to dream experience and that to deep sleep.

Deep sleep is said to be causal relation, because every day one goes to sleep and wake up and the whole world is before him again but he is not aware of the fact that he and world are within the waking experience.

In the waking experience the man and world are present, in deep sleep only the formless substance; thus one is not aware of the body and the world.

Soul  is not a state or condition. Man is aware of the dream and deep sleep in the waking experience only.  He thinks he is the experiencer of the three states.  But it is not so. He and his experience of the world is present only in the waking experience. Soul or consciousness  is present always as formless witness of the three states which appear and disappear in succession. The consciousness  is the knower all the three states is itself changeless.

Some people regard dreams as real experiences, most people agree that dream experiences are unreal real.  one has to agree  that dream experiences unreal, but he has to realize  that waking experiences also is unreal. And also all the three states are unreal on the standpoint of the formless witness, which is the soul or consciousness . On the standpoint of soul or consciousness,  the innermost  self, the waking experience is similar to dream i.e. both are unreal, despite the feeling of vivid reality they produce at the time.

One can understand easily that the entire waking experience is the same consciousness if he reduces waking experience to dream experience and that to deep sleep. 

In a dream one may become another personality. What happens? The knowing capacity in him, the soul or consciousness , associates itself for the time being with the new ego and identifies itself with it. But when the dream ends, he wake up and that dream ego disappears and waking ego appears. The one that powers the dream and waking ego is the formless soul or consciousness , the innermost self, the knower of the three states.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Religious authorization is no guarantee of ultimate truth or Brahman

Religious authorization is no guarantee of ultimate truth or Brahman . All teachers expound what they have inherited form their gurus. Seekers of truth have to be very cautious about working with anyone who calls himself a "guru or teacher.  The one who speaks of individual god, scriptures and religion is not a spiritual but religious. Religious knowledge will not yield wisdom.   Gnani is the one who knows the soul is the true self and bases his-self on the soul. People pretending to be Gnanis and claiming themselves to God are certainly frauds.

Only the frauds claim to be "fully enlightened."  Seekers of truth have to be beware of those people who ooze charisma and are worshiped by their disciples. The best teachers never call themselves as teachers are the most ordinary ones. The true teachers are those who say they are not teacher or guru and say there is no teacher, there is no disciple and there is no teaching,  and inspire and share their knowledge and guide them as fellow seeker.  

The ego is not the Self. The ego is limited to waking or dream.  Self is everywhere and in everything in the three states, as their formless substance and witness. Self is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. There must not be any controversy regarding the existence of self, which is soul/spirit. If there is no self in this world how does world exist.

Whatever is happening within the waking/dream is due to the formless Self.  Self is not the flesh, but it is the formless substance and witness of the three states.

There are certain principles which are common to all orthodox Hindu thought, that are taken for granted.  Orthodox assumes that the doctrine of karma is valid because they accept the experience of birth, life, death and the world as reality.

Kabir views humanity as being caught up in illusion, searching for Ultimate Reality in all the wrong places, always seeking It outside of ourselves in various rituals, temples, forests and mountaintops, not realizing That for which we seek is already hidden within us. 

 Without the self-knowledge or brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana it is impossible to cross the illusory ocean of the pain and pleasure.  There no vessel to ferry man across the ocean of illusory form, time and space except Gnana.  

What is Gnana? Gnana means the full and firm realization of truth – a realization beyond all doubts, change and contradiction. 

Neither the control of breath, or regulating the breath, nor the performance of selfless service, nor by devotion to gods and gurus, not the performance of penance, nor pilgrimaging, nor by yoga nor by scriptural mastery, the ignorance will not vanish. But only   through non-dual wisdom the ignorance can be eradicated.  The three states are state of ignorance. All the three states are falsehood. The formless substance and and eternal.  witness of the three states is real

 Sri Sankara, in Bhaja Govindam says: - [Jnana Viheena Sarva Mathena Bajathi na Muktim janma Shatena] - one without knowledge does not obtain liberation even in a hundred births, no matter which religious faith he follows. 

 It  all depends on how we look at things. If there is a creation there is a creator is based on the false self/ego. The existence of God is wholly based on man’s existence. For god to exist man has to exist first. The truth will not reveal only when one investigates the truth about his true  existence.   When man himself is dependent on soul for existence, how the physical based theories based on man as self can can be true.  

the formless Soul or consciousness , the innermost Self is present. But there are so many physical selves based on oneself. Self is one, and it is the supreme eternity. Soul or consciousness, the innermost Self is a reality.