Friday, June 29, 2012

We can see the light around a diamond but it is not a light of diamond, nor is a diamond related to it. In the same way the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness has a light attached to it which is called universe.

In Vedas the God (Soul or Atman) has been described as :-

Sakshi (Witness)

Chetan (conscious)

Nirguna (Without form and properties).
Nitya (eternal)

Shuddha (pure)

Buddha (omniscient)

 Mukta (unattached).

 The soul is in the body and body is in the soul. The creation (universe) is within us and we are within universe. The chicken is in the egg and the egg is in the chicken. The tree is in the seed and the seed is in the tree. The same thing that was told by the Vedas was repeated by the Christian Saint John (10-38)? Father is in me and I am in Father?. This has now become a general experience of many people.

Millions of people are practicing Yoga nowadays all over the world. Irrespective of the region and religion, many people have taken an experience that they are able to see without opening eyes the happenings in the world. They are able to see the same world within them, which they see outside by their eyes. 

The God or Soul or Atman is homogeneously all pervading with the 7 qualities described.

1. Sakshi (Witness)
 2. Chetan (conscious)
3. Nirguna (Without form and properties).
 4. Nitya (eternal)
5. Shuddha (pure)
 6. Buddha (omniscient)
7 Mukta (unattached).

We can see the light around a diamond but it is not a light of diamond, nor is a diamond related to it. In the same way the Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness has a light attached to it which is called universe. Human being is able to see this light i.e. universe when his mind goes away from himself (or becomes extrovert), otherwise this universe is absent. Why the mind of the human being goes away from his inner most SELF? Because whenever the evolutes and the instruments meet the mind gets the sense of the universe. Mind starts understanding its separate existence as an individual body when the organs meet the objects. 

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