The seeker, who is aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but the self is formless consciousness, gets freedom from the bondage of duality or illusion, which is the conjuring of Ignorance.
It is verily through the touch of ignorance that the soul,
which is in the form of consciousness, finds itself under the bondage of
illusion, and it believes the births, life, death and world as reality. The
fire of Self- knowledge, kindled by the discrimination between dual [mind] and
non- dual [soul] experiences, burns up the effects of ignorance together with
their root.
What is bondage?
Considering the self as physical is bondage.
How has it
come upon the Self?
Due to ignorance, considering the self as the physical body
And the world becomes reality.
How does it
continue to exist?
It continues to exist until one becomes aware of the fact
that the self is not physical but the self is formless soul, which is in the
form of consciousness.
How is one freed from it?
By getting rid of the ignorance through deeper inquiry,
analysis and reasoning
What is this false -Self?
Ego is false self
Which is the true Self?
The soul is the true self, and it is in the form of the consciousness.
How can one discriminate between them?
The ego is based on the form and true self is based on the
soul or spirit. One has to discriminate between the experiences based on the form
and formless. Whatever is based on the
form is impermanent and whatever is based on the formless is permanent.
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