Consciousness is the deathless, birthless, eternal and real substance in all the three states.
mind, which is in the form of universe, is unreal because it is the
"Seen", like a dream. The reality and existence of the soul, which is in
the form of consciousness, the most fundamental substance of the mind,
which is in the form of universe, cannot be questioned, for this truth
is self-evident. The consciousness is the true self. In fact, the self
does not need any proof.
The self is self-evident, and no one can
deny its existence for it is the basis of all the three states.
Everyone is conscious of the existence of his self and never thinks that
it is in the form of consciousness.
To doubt the existence of
the self would be a contradiction in terms because then one would doubt
the existence of the very doubter who engages in doubt. The existence of
the doubter itself is based on the consciousness. Thus he has to find
the reality of his own existence.
Without the existence of the
self, which is in the form of consciousness it is impossible for us to
entertain the idea or even to be capable of refutation. Because the
knowledge of the self is not established through the so-called means of
right knowledge, it is self-established.
Thus, the very existence
of understanding and its functions presuppose the intelligence known as
the self, that is self-established, different from these functions and
on which they depend.
Both the possibility of knowledge and the
means of knowledge have relevance if there would be the self that is the
source of all knowledge. Therefore, consciousness, which is the true
self, is beyond all doubt, "for it is the essential nature of him who
denies it. Therefore, it is the nature of the self, not its reality or
existence, which is to be proved. The self must seek itself in order to
find what it is, not that it is.
Consciousness pervades all the
three states as their formless substance and witness. . it is formless
without any parts, without qualities, spotless, having no abilities like
going and coming, etc., devoid of ideas of `me' and `mine' and also of
desire, aversion and effort. It possessing no organs like the intellect,
etc., free from attributes. It is neither the breath nor the breather.
It is untouched by the individual experiences of birth, life and death,
which happens within the universe. The self, pervades all the three
states. It is within the three states and it is the apart from the three
states. It is apart because it is not and entity of identity within the
three states.
Consciousness is the deathless, birthless, eternal
and real substance in all the three states. It is the unchanging
reality behind the changing mind, which is in the form of universe. It
is pure consciousness and it not affected by time, space and causality.
It is limitless and without a second. In order to understand the true
nature of consciousness one must discriminate the formless witness from
three states.
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