Monday, September 3, 2012

Renouncing the worldly life and accepting sanyasa or monk-hood means incapacity to think deeper, an impotency to inquire and reason.

 Renouncing the worldly life and accepting sanyasa or monk-hood means incapacity to think deeper, an impotency to inquire and reason. 

People speak of getting rid of conditioning or samskara but they themselves are unaware of the fact that, the universe in which they exist is product of the inborn samskara or conditioning.  The ignorance is cause of the inborn samskara or conditioning which present as ‘I’ or ‘I AM’. 

 The real Moksha or freedom is   to realize the fact that ‘I’ consciousness is mere physical awareness. Physical awareness is not self-awareness. The self –awareness is when the formless soul or consciousness remains aware of its own non-dual   true nature.

In sleep or Samadhi, one is still in duality for he knows that he was in those states only when waking takes place. Hence Yoga, teaches duality, not non-duality.

 The yogi who distinguishes himself from others is evincing duality and thinking only of the body, i.e. ignorance. On the other hand if   a seeker attains non-dual, he is free from all inherited   religious beliefs   , which is the cause of experiencing the birth, life and death as a reality.

 Every guru has got many admirers to admire him. Hence admiration is not a yardstick in pursuit of truth.  The yogi who is concerned with breathing exercises, holding his nose and postures is merely concerned with his body and unfit to take path of wisdom.

The multiplication of fake God men and Gurus  will do real harm to the world, because they make one believe the god and world is apart from the true self.  They spread religious truth as ultimate truth. Therefore if mysticism is over-valued it is a danger. 

The seeker has to analyze the three states and know “What is this dual and non dual experience as a whole?". 

The stages of progress in pursuit of truth, starts with the physical standpoint  that is inquiry  into the world, and going up to inquiry in mental world, psychological, epistemological world etc. 

Animals imagine whatever they desire; they are not concerned with truth of their imaginations; but not human beings 

Only people who are not aware of the true self is the soul think that the soul is situated in the heart, or in the chakras of the spine or in the pineal gland. It is erroneous to say that soul be spatially located in those spots.

Seeker of truth has to give up all imaginations; then alone he can know truth. That which knows them to be such is the Real.  False Gnanis will bluff; pretend to omniscience and the power to know all future. Latter power is impossible for one cannot predict what will happen next minute, neither past births nor future, reincarnations can be proved; hence all such tales are fables and not indulged in by true Gnani.

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