Wednesday, April 18, 2012

If one believes self to be the waking entity than the world will prevail as reality as reality

If one believes self to be the  waking entity than the world will prevail as reality as reality. In Self-Awareness there is neither the person nor world exists as reality.  The innermost self is not person but the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. The consciousness is causes of the universe and all its contents but it itself is uncaused. 

As a waking entity one thinks and what he imagines is truth, is ignorance; it is wilderness of ignorance, and he is caught up in the wilderness and do not know the way out.  One has to burn down the ignorance by fire of wisdom.  

One thinks he is an individual separate from the world within the waking(mind). He is unaware of the fact that , the mind is not within his brain, but he and his experience of the world are within the mind.  Thus, he thinks he is born in this world and world existed prior to him. Thus this conviction makes him believe the birth, life and death as reality.  Until this conviction is thee he will   views and judges the  three states on the base of waking entity, which is the cause of ignorance. the ignorance is cause of experiencing the duality as reality.

This ignorance is the main hurdle in pursuit of truth. Therefore, it is very much necessary to rectify the reasoning base from physical [form] to spirit [formless] before proceeding further in pursuit of truth.

If the reasoning  base is not rectified  from form to formless  than it will lead one towards hallucination. When the mind itself is myth then the man and his experience of the world is bound to be myth. Therefore perfect understanding of the 'what is what' will help one to unfold the mystery of the mind or universe.  It is impossible to unfold the truth on the base of the waking entity ,which is  false self within the false experience(waking), because the truth is prior to the appearance of the falsehood(waking).  And falsehood(waking) creates ignorance.

THE ‘I’ IS CAUSE OF THE IGNORANCE. Thus one has to get rid of the ignorance by overcoming the intoxication of ‘I’ through Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

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