Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The happiness and suffering is part of the waking or dream (duality), which is mere illusion.

The self is neither waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.  The happiness and suffering is part of the waking or dream (duality), which is mere illusion.   

The consciousness dwells within the universe or mind as its formless substance and witness. When the universe or mind disappears, then the formless witness is present without the physical body and the experience of the universe. Thus holding the waking or dream entity as self and trying to discover the truth is like trying to drain the ocean drop by drop.   

When self-wakes up in its formless true nature, the whole universe becomes mere mirage created out of it. And no second thing exist other than consciousness.

It takes the role of Witness when wisdom dawns. But when its appearance is withdrawn.  The role of Witness is abandoned as well. Thus only in wisdom one consciously becomes aware of the fact that, the witness is real and witnessed is unreal. And the unreal is created out of the real, thus there is no second thing exists other than consciousness.

Consciousness assumes the form of the universe; without the universe, it is left naked. If night and day were to approach the Sun, both would disappear. In the same way, their duality would vanish if their essential Unity were seen.

In fact, the duality of soul and mind cannot exist in that primal unitive state from which mind or universe emanates.

One returns as waking entity when he awakens from sleep; likewise, one perceived the truth by waking from ignorance.

When salt dissolves, it becomes one with the ocean; when the ignorance dissolved,
mind  becomes  one with consciousness.

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