Sunday, June 17, 2012

In Vedic era a Brahmin was a person who had attained Self- Knowledge or Atma Jnana.


In Vedic era  a Brahmin was a person who had attained Self- Knowledge  or Atma Jnana. This was an extremely difficult path of discipline of body, mind , and intellect, and people irrespective of their birth or class, who dedicated to such an austere life were recognized as Brahmins. 
A great example of this tradition (that a person becoming a Brahmin, rather than born as one) is the case of Vishwamitra, a warrior (kshatriya), who became a Brahmin after attaining Atma Jnana  or Self-Knowledge.
A smritis, or code of conduct composed by sage Atri defines brahminhood very clearly says:-
"By birth, every man is a Shudra (an ignorant person). Through various types of disciplines (samskaras), he becomes a dwija (twice born). Through the studies of scriptures, he becomes a vipra (or a scholar). Through realization of supreme spirit (brahmajnana), he becomes a brahmin."
The belief that people born in Brahmin caste, automatically become Brahmins, is a much later concept in the very ancient  India.  Thus, Brahmin means not caste but  one who has attained Atma Jnana or Brahma Jnana. 

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