Monday, June 4, 2012

There is not so much information on Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana but there is plenty of information on religion,God, yoga, meditation, rituals, cults, gurus and their film flam, scandals etc.

There is not  so  much information  on Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  but there is plenty of information on religion,God, yoga, meditation,  rituals, cults, gurus and their film flam, scandals etc.  Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana requires that one find out for himself. This also means discovering, exploring, and thinking for oneself.

Looking for mystical gurus and yogis are not related to finding real Self Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. A vast majority of these spiritual problems disappear as one takes full responsibility for his own "enlightenment"-- free of religion, god glorification, scriptural knowledge, cultural dogma, and burnt out historical traditions.

On pursuit of truth, everything all summed up in inquiring, analyzing and reasoning on the base of soul as self that is something one try for himself, and find out for himself.

Therefore, once one has that pointer, that direction, there is no need to waste time and effort. If one is interested in the history of gurus of yogis, or if one finds his transcribed talks entertaining or soothing, that is OK. Otherwise, once one becomes aware of the fact that ‘I’ is not the self, but the soul is the true self he will be able to drop all the accumulated dross.

Even after many years of practice of WHO AM 'I' and WHAT AM 'I' , does  not yield fruit   one can conclude  that the 'WHO AM 'I' OR WHAT AM 'I'  is inadequate to realize the ultimate truth or brahman.   

A religious guru or yogi is too enthusiastic to have everyone as his disciple, and he will push himself on others with his advices, authoritative scriptural knowledge. Religious guru or yogi wants to keep everyone in the domain of religion and yoga. 

Yoga is practiced on the base of physical self or ego. When the yogi sits down to meditate, he is thinking first of his posture, i.e. his body; next he tries to get rid of his thoughts," i.e. he is already thinking of those thoughts. Thus his mind is filled with body and the thoughts [ego], never of the formless witness. 

More than he wants to help people, he wants to help his ego. A serious seeker of truth will he  only uses people and impose his inherited idea of religion and god on them, usually unintentionally because he himself is more unconscious than others of the ultimate truth.
A Gnani is not enthusiastic to have anyone as his disciple. He never identifies himself as guru.  He does not impose his ideas on anyone. However, he identifies the serious seeker and guides them as a fellow seeker. It is very difficult to identify a Gnani, because he never claims himself to be guru or teacher. 

Most people are not aware what really they are seeking. They start there pursuit with their inherited religious ideas and as they go deeper they will feel that religion and yoga are inadequate to quench their thirst.

A serious seeker will realize the fact that, he is looking for something else, and he is now sure it is not self-assurance, fulfillment of dreams, fulfillment of social demands.   He will realize the fact that religion and yoga are means to quench his inner thirst.  

A Gnani dearly cares about the serious seeker but will stay aloof, he knows that if seeker needs to be assisted by him, he will approach or rather be drawn to approach him. He has no self interest whatsoever and so anyone considered equally for his love as anybody else, who ever comes, comes and if no one comes it is also fine.

 There are no divisions in consciousness or soul, the soul pervades everywhere and in everything in experience of diversity.  In addition, waking entity is not the base to decide where the Presence is and where it is not.  It has to be viewed, judged and concluded on the base of the formless witness [soul/self] to know there is only unity and the diversity is mere illusion.  “Soul, which is present in the form of consciousness is all-present and everywhere and in everything and connects everything to everything and finally becomes nothing other then itself.

For those who have learned how to see, and judge the three states on the base of the soul as self, find the truth is perfectly hidden and perfectly revealed in these three states.

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