Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sahaj Samadhi is the state of “deep awake”

Samadhi is the natural state of the formless  soul, the innermost self. To capture the essence of Natural state of the soul the innermost self , it is better to say that in the natural state knower and the known are identical. It is only pure consciousness that by which its very nature is self-revealing and self-knowing.

Natural state of the self is “without the form,time and space. It is the absence of duality and presence of fullness of consciousness in Sahaj Samadhi which allows for the clear recognition of the Self.

The soul, the innermost self is the Knower and the Known, the Seer and the Seen, without any duality.  the soul, the inner most self, being one without a second, is always self-knowing. There is no “other” for it to know. That is why it is refer to the soul, the innermost self as the Sahaj  or natural. The reference to Sahaj implies the nondual nature of the soul, the innermost  Self.

While deep sleep is a state of complete unconsciousness, Sahaj Samadhi is the state of full and complete consciousness. Deep sleep and Sahaj Samadhi are the two sides of the same coin. In a very real and true sense Sahaj Samadhi is the state of “deep awake”. One is fully asleep to the world of perceptions and fully awake in the Self, which is self  non-dual awareness.

Sahaja Samadhi cannot be understood without Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  People who speak about Sahaja Samadhi without the  self- knowledge oBrahma Gnana or Atma Gnana can only speculate about its nature. Because such people are confused about Sahaja Samadhi, their statements create confusion for others. Sahaja Samadhi is not yogic SamadhiSahaja samarium rises  when wisdom dawns. 

The experience of duality can continue to exist and function after Sahaja Samadhi. But for Gnani all the three states are unrelated, because he has become one with the witnessing consciousness.

After Self-Realization, the duality is seen as existing but not separate from the soul , the innermost  self. The soul, the innermost self knows itself even though the duality still exists.  The duality exists as a condition that rises from the Self and then is absorbed back into it. It is due to the presence of the duality, (until it  disappears by death), that Knowledge of the soul, the innermost self can be passed on by the Realized beings to others who seek such knowledge.

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