People born in the different sect and
they remain as its follower. Most of the sect are founded by some gurus, thus
Indian belief system is a Guru Cult, i.e. believes in the worship of the Guru
as the Supreme Deity.
When a seeker finds his inherited
belief system and his accumulate knowledge from various sources are inadequate
and useless in quenching his spiritual thirst, then only he searches elsewhere.
And tries to get enlightened himself further to clear the cobwebs of his
understanding and seeks guidance to his progress.
The path of religion, path of yoga
and the path of wisdom were intended for different classes of people. Path of wisdom is for the advanced seekers of truth. It deals with the nature of the
ultimate Truth and Reality. It is meant for superior aspirants who have inner
urge to know the truth and it is not for those who are immersed in earthly
God exists, as he does for religionists and yogis, and exists separately from
them, then there is duality, which always implies contradiction. On ultimate
point of view God is an mere belief or an idea, a thought, an object, therefore
the self or witness, contradict God.
When there are two, one thought contradicts
another for one thought comes at one moment, and the other at another moment,
both moments contradict; one cannot say they are identical. He cannot find
non-contradiction in this universe.
On the ultimate standpoint point, the individualized God does not exist, because His
existence implies that one is different from Him. Any kind of difference means
contradiction. Nothing whatsoever other than the consciousness exists thus for non-dualist, the consciousness itself is ultimate truth and ultimate truth is Brahman or God. Non-duality means the negation of false.
Ultimate Truth or Brahman
is not only that which is beyond contradiction, but also that in which is no
possibility of contradiction. Such a state can only be realized as non-duality,
where there is no second thing other than consciousness. The illustration for
that is deep sleep but sleep is not the ultimate reality. It is merely an
Brihad Upanishad declares:-, "if you
think there is another entity whether man or God there is no truth." This
is the teaching since time immemorial of those who have inquired into truth.
alone which is permanent and eternal, unchanging in the changing world is
reality. People hear of Brahman or ultimate truth. People can only imagine it.
One requires words only to distinguish between is there and not there, but he
can’t posit either of Reality, because his saying so is only an idea, not
reality. Ultimate truth is beyond words. Words are of use, however, as a thorn
to pull out the thorn of other words that hinder knowledge.
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