is no need to run from pillar to post, one ashram to another ashram, and one
guru to another guru order to acquire non-dual wisdom. Seeker of truth has to
strive to understand the nature of the mind or universe and thus conquer it by
inquiry into the nature of the mind or universe or waking and its nature i.e.
matter, there can be no such thing as Gnana. Religion, yoga, concept of God is
unimportant in pursuit of truth. Scriptures are not at all necessary in pursuit
of truth but one can quote the citation of the scripters which indicate the
ultimate truth after deeper verification.
intellectual will not find the truth because his understanding based on
individuality and individuality is not truth on the ultimate standpoint because
self is not and individual because it is formless and it pervades in everything
and everywhere in all the three states. Most
of the intellectual say “I know” and not explain how he knows the consciousness
is ultimate truth. But his egocentricity makes him more and more egoic and he
indulges in perverse argument, which is not needed in pursuit of truth.
think yogic Samadhi is liberation
because their guru’s may have told them. When the innocent and honest people
blindly believe the statement and propagate the same to others. They never
suspect the guru because it is irreligious to disbelieve the
the guru nor the disciple verified the validity of their belief if it is right.
People who give lectures and write large books on religion, yoga and theoretical
philosophy are good in their subject but what they know and mastered is Gnana
or non-dual wisdom is the question.
claim that, for many years they enjoyed mystic exaltation, trances, meditations
and peace but this state passes away when the waking passes away. The waking experience itself is illusion form
the formless witness point of view. Thus
the individual experience within the waking or dream is mere illusion because
the waking or dream is mere an object to the formless subject. When one thinks as an individual he has
experienced non-duality then it is as good as dream. The non-duality cannot be
experienced as a person because it is prior to any experience.
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