Friday, March 16, 2012

If one knows the ultimate truth or Brahman then he will know there is neither cause nor effect.

Since it is eternal and infinite, it comprises the only truth. The goal of Vedic religion, through the various yogas, is to realize that the consciousness (Atman) is actually nothing but Brahman.

If one knows the ultimate truth or Brahman then he will know there is neither cause nor effect.  Non-dual Wisdom is to know, what is it, that is real, and base the reasoning on that real.

When reasoning is done on true base, then one has the yardstick to know what is truth, and what is untruth, and he will be able to reject the unreal or untruth mentally.  Therefore, one has to make sure the self is not the body or ego or waking entity but the self is  Atman or soul, which is in the form of consciousness.

 If one accepts the self as body, then the karma becomes universal principal. If one accepts the soul or consciousness as self, then the physical body, ego, world and whatever one has seen known and believed and experienced as a person becomes unreal(illusion) on the standpoint of the formless soul , the innermost self.

 By accepting karma theory, one is accepting the unreal as real, and permanently remains in the clutches of duality thinking the cycle of birth, life and death as reality.  Therefore, to overcome the illusory cycle of birth, life and death, one has to realize  the fact that, the waking entity  is not the self, but the self is  formless soul or consciousness . Thus the self is within the mind (universe or 'I' ) but it is without the mind (universe or 'I').  the 'I' is not the self but 'i' is the whole universe.  Thus the self is within the ‘I’ but it is without the ‘I’.

Karma Theory is a hindrance in the path of truth because one accepts the false self as real self and false experience as real experience and he thinks all his action will yield fruits. Thus he will remain permanently in the realm of unreality or ignorance.  Without getting rid of ignorance truth realization or Self-realization is impossibility. 

When the self is genderless then it is impossible to get enlightenment through sexual intercourse or tantric sex.  It is impossible to get freedom by taking sanyasa or renouncing the worldly life which is mere body based theories. When the self is not physical then what value is there to take sanyasa or renouncing the worldly life? One has to renounce the ignorance, which is the cause of experiencing the illusion (body+ universe) as reality. 

If one thinks non-dual truth is the ultimate truth, then one has to drop all theories based on the Waking entity  as self, because non-dual truth is based on the formless soul or consciousness ,  the innermost self. 

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