Tuesday, March 20, 2012

In that state of oneness, everything is identified, as consciousness

In that state of oneness, everything is identified, as consciousness and when this is done, there is no desire, no sorrow and no duality because they are part of the illusion. The ultimate truth is in the form of consciousness and it is consciousness which is the true self. 

The dream experiences are true within the dream and when one does not have enlightenment, the waking experience appears to be true.

Though we seem to experience the world, for all practical purposes of perception, but its reality is limited to the waking experience because the waking experience itself is an illusion when wisdom dawns, same way as the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place.

The dream becomes unreal on waking.  And waking does not exist in a dream and waking and dream are absent in a deep sleep.

For those ignorant who believe the birth, life, death and the world as reality, think that, the effect of action done in previous births, as Prarabdha in this birth, but for the realized one the present birth, life, death and the universe itself is mere illusion because they have realized the fact that, waking experience itself is mere illusion created out of consciousness.

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