Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The knowledge that the universe is not real but only illusion and that the Self is pure Consciousness is not opposed to activities of practical life within the practical world

The knowledge that the universe is not real but only illusion and that the Self is pure Consciousness is not opposed to activities of practical life within the practical world.  In order to perform worldly activities within the practical world it is not necessary to believe that the world is real. Only the right means are necessary. These means are the mind, speech, body and external objects. They do not disappear on the attainment of enlightenment but only their unreal nature is exposed. The same way the unreal nature of the dream is exposed when waking takes place, the unreal nature of  waking reality is exposed when wisdom dawns.   

The injunctions and prohibitions of the orthodoxy have no application to those who are in path of wisdom or Gnana. They apply only to those who look upon themselves as belonging to a certain caste or station or stage of life.

The religion, caste and creed are creations of man to live in certain way of life within the society in certain order as prescribed in scriptural doctrine.   Religions pertain only to the individual within the practical world, and not to the Self which is formless Consciousness, which pervades all the three states as their formless substance and witness.  Thus how can one judge what is truth pass judgement or opinion when the self, which not an individual but formless non-dual existence.  

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