Sunday, March 11, 2012

Samadhi and mystical experience are not wisdom.

The differences of Samadhi or experience are same because they are physical based and physical based Samadhi and experience are  part of the illusion.

 Samadhi and mystical experience are not wisdom.   The Samadhi is mere blankness or thoughtlessness. And blankness or thoughtlessness is not wisdom. Even in deep sleep there is  is blankness or thoughtlessness.  Such blankness or thoughtlessness can be achieved through  by taking sleeping pills or drugs. 

The experiences happen on the physical plane. If there is physicality then there is duality. If there is duality then there is no reality.  Therefore there is a need to know how the duality is illusion? On what standpoint it is illusion? What is reality if duality is illusion? For all these questions will crop up and the seeker have to find un-contradictable answers to realize the duality is mere illusion? 

Many people that mystic experience always gives the same result in peace and bliss.  But experiencing the bliss with in the waking experience is falsehood, because waking experience itself is falsehood on the standpoint of the formless substance and witness of the three states. The formless substance and witness is the soul or spirit or consciousness, the innermost self.

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