Saturday, March 24, 2012

It is necessary for every seeker in pursuit of truth to know something about the three states, which appear and disappear in succession

It is necessary for every seeker in pursuit of truth to know something about the three states,  which appear and disappear in succession. Who is awake, and who is in the state of dream? Everyone just bypass this interesting phenomenon in their daily existence and imagine that everything is clear to their mind. We dreamt yesterday, and today we are awake; there is nothing complicated about it. But, it is intensely complicated. The entire structure or the secret of our existence is involved in this relationship between three states.
Incidentally, this is exactly the relationship between soul(Atman) and the human individual. What is the relationship between waking, dream and deep sleep? What is the connection? It is the connection between soul and individual experience.
There is inscrutability about one’s relationship to the soul(Atman). One can never understand it, because he also cannot understand how he happens to be dreaming a world quite different in its structure from the experience of the waking experience. What makes the difference between dream and waking? The person and world exists in both the states. That is why there is a statement often made, "I slept, I dreamt, and now True Self awake." But, who actually dreamt? Is the waking entity is dreaming? That would be a self-contradiction.
The waking entity at present cannot be regarded as the one that is dreaming, because waking and dreaming cannot go together. When the one state is, the other state goes. So, it is not true that the waking entity itself is dreaming. Then, who is dreaming?
 Nobody has thought over this problem, because the enigma of the whole creation is so entangling and deluding that it will not permit even the raising of such questions.
One need not go to gurus, teachers or masters to have an answer to this question. Seeker has to sit quietly, and be sure that he is awake. Put a question to his own self: "Who is awake? Who is aware of the three states, which appear and disappear in succession, when the waking entity is not present in dream and deep sleep? There must be the knower apart from the waking entity. The waking entity knows about itself only in the waking entity.
When the question rises from within one will start doubting: He will think why such doubts should raise like this, unless there is a difficulty involved in it?" and when he another question arises from within:
v  "How does one know that he is awake?"
v  Where were he and his experience of the world prior to waking experience?
v  How to know what is truth in the waking experience, which also appears and disappears as dream?
There is no proof on the base of waking entity. But when one deeply analyzes the three states   one becomes aware of the fact that something which is aware of the three states which appear and disappear in succession. Since the waking entity, and the waking world are present only in waking. And dream entity, and dream world are present only in the dream. And waking and dream, both are absent in deep sleep. Therefore, there must be a knower which is apart from these three states.
The waking experience which contains man and the world   is appeared spontaneously.  The individuality is limited to the waking/dream. There is individual and the world in the deep sleep.
Unless there is a there is a witness or knower, there would be no three states which appear and disappear in succession. What is actually knows this appearance and disappearance of the three states, when man and his world are within the waking/dream. Man perceives the world within the waking/dream. Thus the individual experiences within the waking/dream have no meaning.
If one tries to know the meaning of individual life which is part and parcel of waking experience he will never be able to acquire non dual wisdom. Birth, life and death are mere illusion because they are part of the illusory waking experience which appears and disappears same way as the dream, which appears and disappears. The three states are an object to the formless witness, which is the soul.
It is erroneous to view and judge the truth on the base of waking entity/ego in order to unfold the mystery of the mind. Seeker of truth has to learn to view and judge the worldview on the base of the soul(Atman), which is the true self.

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