Saturday, January 21, 2012

Limiting the soul or consciousness to waking entity is cause of the ignorance

The innermost Self is not physical. Limiting the soul or consciousness to waking entity is cause of the ignorance, because the consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states. Meditation should not be on physical entity but it should be on the formless soul or consciousness, which the formless witness of the three states. Everyone knows consciousness because it is very basis of their existence.

Consciousness is within the three states and it is without the three states. It is within the three states as their formless substance and it is without the three states as their formless witness. Thus consciousness is not limited to the waking entity alone because it pervades all the three states.

Religionists and Yogi’s they limit the ‘self’ to the physical entity, thus they fail to realize the non-dual truth. They stick up to their accepted truth and they remain stagnant with their belief.

The individual experience is mere illusion. Thus without first examining them and inquiring into them thoroughly is the truth will not reveal. The three states common to all; therefore, one must begin his inquiry analysis and reasoning on the true base. It is only after it has inquired into the nature of the three states that he should inquire into who is the knower or witness. If, however one inquiries into the knower before the analysis of the three states, then it is mere mysticism. What are these three states? Must precede what is ‘I’? --FORMLESS PATH

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