Seeker has to
mentally rectify the reasoning base from egocentric base to soul-centric base in order to get
perfection in his understanding and assimilation of 'what is what' to realize
‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’.
Mentally reducing
the universe into waking and waking into mind and mind into consciousness leads
to self-awareness.
The witness is not
physical. Thus neither the waking entity nor the dream entity is not the
witness the witness is that, which witnesses the three states without the
physical apparatus. Thus viewing judging the the three states on the waking
entity is erroneous. The three states (witnessed) are mere mirage on the
standpoint of the formless witness, which is the soul (consciousness), the
innermost self.
The three states
are product of ignorance. Only by getting rid of ignorance leads to Self
awareness. Thus Self- Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana is necessary in order
to get rid of ignorance.
Ignorance is possible
thorough soul-centric reasoning.

Though inquiry,
analysis and soul-centric reasoning leads to deeper understanding perfect grasping
of ‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’ leads to firm conviction and firm
conviction leads to self-awareness.
The soul or consciousness is the formless
substance and witness of the three states.
Deeper self search reveals the fact that, the three states are created
out of single stuff. That single stuff is formless consciousness. Thus the three
states are one in essence. Thus there is
no second thing exists other than the formless soul consciousness, the innermost
self. Realizing the soul or consciousness as the
innermost self is the goal of the truth seeker. Soul, the innermost self is nothing to do with
the three states, because the three states are mere mirage created out of
consciousness. thus reaching the ultimate end and realizing the three states are nonexistent leads to Self-awareness.
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