Sunday, January 29, 2012

Man goes on spinning yarn of his imagination on religious or yogic or theoretical base and imagines that the universe has brought into existence by all-wise god

The real journey begins inwardly when one finds all the outer journeys are inadequate and useless in quenching his spiritual thirst.  The inner journey is mental journey.  The real renunciation is renouncing the ignorance.  Ignorance is the cause of experiencing illusory duality as reality. Yoga and meditation and god and guru glorification are not the means to acquire self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana. Without self-knowledge or brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana freedom from experiencing duality (illusion) as reality is impossible.  

Yoga and meditation is beginning of one’s spiritual journey.  The real renunciation is renouncing the ignorance.  Ignorance is the cause of experiencing illusory duality as reality. Yoga and meditation and god and guru glorification are not the means to acquire non dual wisdom. Without wisdom freedom from duality is impossible. 

 A real spiritual retreat is where there is no compulsion of any sort: no set programme to be followed, no meetings of saints, no god glorification and no prayers or no worships and rituals   so that the seeker is spared from the unnecessary strain is of any use in the pursuit of truth. All these religious and yogic baggage create great hindrance in pursuit of truth.  

In pursuit of truth there is no need to frame rules and regulation and code of conduct to control the mind, because these rules and regulations and code of conducts are useful only in practical life, not in the pursuit of truth. The seeker can attain the highest wisdom without common enforced discipline and discover the self evident truth, through inquiry and reason and analysis on the base of the soul the innermost self. The realization surges up by a free impulse when the subconscious becomes receptive enough to accept the truth.

Man goes on spinning yarn of his imagination on religious or yogic or theoretical  base and imagines that the universe has brought into existence by all-wise god with some definite purpose and a set programme. Each atom of this universe be speak of order, discipline organization and balance-testifying to some great mind that has shaped it. And man was not born result of some accident. He was created as superior to all other creatures, to act as the vice-gerent of god upon the earth, blessed with intelligent and rational thinking. He has been given the power to choose between good and evil deeds. This freedom makes answerable to god and his fellow creatures both for his deeds. His conscience guides his steps to discriminate between what is good and what is bad. He may commit sins and mistakes but is also repentance and ability to correct himself. 

All these imaginations seems to be true until man is unaware of the true fact that `ego or waking entity ' is not the self and waking experience is not reality. The formless substance and witness of the `I' or Waking experience which is formless soul or consciousness is the innermost self. Therefore it is necessary for seeker to verify about his own existence through deeper self-search, in order to realize the fact that `ego or waking entity ' is not the self but soul or consciousness is the true self and learn to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint of soul as self, to unfold the mystery of the mind. Mind is in the form of universe and universe appears as Waking or dream (duality) and disappears as deep sleep (non-duality).

Constant reflection in to the nature soul, the innermost self,  leads to Self –Awareness. 

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