Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Is there a God?

Most of the saints and sages of the past are mostly social reformers, thus they are more concerned to the humanism rather than the truth. Their contribution is very valuable to live in the practical world.  But their contribution is not the means for acquire Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.   Thus, humanism is part and parcel of the universe, which is mere illusion.

That is why Swami Vivekananda said: ~ “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.”
Mundaka Upanishad:~ Ignorant fools, regarding sacrifices and humanitarian works as the highest, do not know any higher good. Having enjoyed their reward on the heights of heaven, gained by good works, they enter again this world or a lower one. (First Mundaka -10-   Chapter I Source: "the Upanishads - a new translation" by swami nikhilananda in four volumes)

The humanism is limited to practical life within the practical world.    The path of love is the path for humanity therefore, it is individualized path. Thus,  the path of love is limited to the physical structure, it cannot transport one to ultimate end.  Thus,  THE seeker has to understand the fact that the practical life and practical world are part of the mirage from the ultimate standpoint. 

The simple reason is that the average person may have the desire for knowledge but when the whole society is immersed in belief system and feeling himself   out of place because of societal fear and surroundings circumstances and he thinks it unfits him to pursue the path of truth. 

That is why Buddha said:~

Do not believe a spiritual teaching just because:-

1. it is repeatedly recited,
2. it is written in a scripture,
3. it was handed from guru to disciple,
4. everyone around you believes it,
5. it has supernatural qualities,
6. it fits my beliefs anyway,
7. it sounds rational to me,
8. it is taught by a respectable person,
9. it was said to be the truth by the teacher,
10. one must defend it or fight for it.

However, only when it agrees with your experience and reason, and when it is conducive to the good and gain of oneself and all others, then one should accept the teachings, and live up to them."

The seeker of truth is one who is ready verify and has courage to accept and reject the truth when he finds out what is truth and what is untruth. The meek will stick to their inherited conditioning remain experiencing duality as reality.

The quest of truth begins with inquiring:-

  • v  Is there a God?

  • v  What is his nature? 

There has to be a proof.When such questions arise then it is the starting point of the quest for truth. Everyone has their own idea of god or no God, according to his parental grooming or accepted idea through circumstances. But he must know god as Truth. One must have proof of that God has created man and the world,because, no one has seen god creating the creation. One can only assume or imagine about the existence of god. God exists only for those who accept the belief system. 

  • v  Why did God create pain and pleasure?

  • v  Why does he crate pleasure and make one indulge in pleasure? 

  • v  Why does he torture people with misery, new epidemics, terrorism, and wars?

  • v  Has God no better business to do? Why he created pain and pleasure in his creation?

  • v  Is god a sadist and teaching people lessons through these violence and sufferings.

  • v  What lesson can God teach the people died in terrorism and wars, which is going on in the name of religion and god?

  • v  How can one accept that God is all-merciful when he constantly displeases all humanity with hide and seek play of pain and pleasure? 

  • v  How does one know that man is related to God?

  • v  Why God created injustice, oppression, starvation, poverty, exploitation, inequality, slavery, epidemics, violence and wars?"

Only through scriptures one is saying man and world are the creation of god. No one has ever seen God, creating this universe, that he has manifested himself is merely supposed. Even it may be god’s creation, but how do one know, because man and world were not in existence prior to his creation. Man is talking of gods’ creation only after god created it. The religion, scriptures saints and sages prophets came into existence only after the creation came into existence. Therefore, the scriptures cannot be taken as proof.

The saints and sages, prophets, might have been imagined the existence of god. To accept these scriptures blindly without reasoning is to possess the sheepish mentality. 

Inquiry implies doubt, proof, evidence, so that even if God were to come and say that He is God, one would inquire into the truth of the statement. People are overawed by doctrines enunciated upon authority of some god men or religion or scripture.

The truth is universal, not individual. The truth must be tested.  If it is true, it will survive the test and will bear proof, without any scriptural authority to support it.  The idea of god cannot stand without the religious authority.  The religious authority suggests the existence of God, but it cannot prove his existence. Blindly believing and belief is not the proof, because the belief is not God. 

The truth has to be uncontradictable and it has to universally applicable. The truth has to be common for all people who pursue inquiry to the utmost extent. The world often appears to be a reality when it is not properly inquired into. Even if most of the population declare that this world is the ultimate reality, their assertion is of less value than the assertions of a seekers of truth who have inquired into the nature and reality of the world and found it to be an idea. 

The conviction of the ultimate  truth comes only by adequate reasoning in the right direction. The bookish knowledge is not the means to acquire Self-Knowledge;there must be reasoning on them to know they are speaking of the uncontradictable truth. 

Some have got faith in a particular religion or teaching. Some have no faith in them. Thus, there is a contradiction. Nothing can be done about it. In the real truth there can be no contradiction, nor any possibility of it. 

How does one know there a God? The onus of proof is on the one who makes this assertion. Without proof one should not accept any doctrine. To reason means to go to the very end of things. 

Verification, the testing and proving of truth, is absolutely necessary in pursuit of truth;in religion the truth is merely assumed. 
There are degrees of truth, most doctrines are partially correct in coming,  gradually nearer to the truth and thus pointing towards it. Only non-dual alone cannot be contradicted, all others are contradictable. The religion is based assuming the existence of god.Mere assuming the existence of the god makes one accept the duality as reality.  The idea of god makes one think he an individual separate from the world and the idea of god. Until this conviction is there discovering, assimilating and realizing the ultimate truth is impossibility. 

As deeper self-search reveals the fact that,the nature of truth is non-dual. It can never be changed under any circumstances. It may be misrepresented. It must apply to the whole of existence, to the whole of the three states. It is in the experience of duality alone that one has all changes.

The ultimate truth remains unchanged and remains immortal. It can never die for it never changes. The mind is seen, and goes, but the witness or knower of the mind, can never go. Seeker has to take this principle as his guiding thread and non-dual truth becomes easy to assimilate.

 The reality can never be subject to the changes of the unreal; it is unchanged. The mistake usually made is that real becomes unreal, or that unreal is real. 

Scholastic or mystic argument leads nowhere. If one says “God is formless “another will say, God has a form. If one says "this scriptures has higher than all other scriptures” another will say, "No, that is lower and there are many scriptures higher than that." It is impossible to get anywhere with such talk because both sides are merely assuming and imagining. Truth means the absence of conflict.

The consciousness (spirit) dwell in all the three states as their formless substance and witness. People worship only images or their belief, thinking that God is there. People do not recognize the  Spirit as  Self to be the real God, but that they do not realize that god, as the spirit, which pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.

The ignorant people are not capable of   discriminate and reason to unfold the mystery of the mind. Therefore, they will not be able to grasp the non-dual truth. It is the realization of the true self that will free one from bondage of duality, which he experiences as reality.  But the belief system makes them to believe the duality is reality therefore, they cannot think beyond physicality. The individualized god can exist only in duality. 

No one has ever seen God; they only heard or read about him. Some may claim they seen him in their vision. But vision is mere an experience similar to dream. If one takes the visions as real then the dream also has to be taken as reality. Observe how one religion is inimical towards another. Why has God created them so? 

 No one knows god’s capacities, what he can create, and what he cannot create. Therefore, any statement one might make about God would only be a lie, because god can exist only when man exists, and believes in the belief of god. If there is no belief then there is no god. Thus, God is the religious software used in belief system.  If the software is discarded then it is only physical existence that prevails.  The truth will unfold only when one is able to know the truth beyond the physical existence. 

The truth of religion can only be proved by physical strength or by imagination, or power of the weapon or political power, never by reason. Belief in religious prohibitions arises out of fear of God's punishment. Religion is not truth merely because it always shows the contradiction.
Seeker of truth has to regard the theosophy in the same way as he regards the idea of God of religion.  Mere assuming or imagining the gods’ existence through belief will remain as belief. 

The belief is not truth, because every religion has its own belief, thus belief is limited to individuality, so it is not universal.  The belief cannot be god,because to believe in something man has to exist prior to god to believe. Until and unless one finds the answer for: with what the physical body is able to function itself as a person and perceive the world, the truth will not be unfolded.  The truth is based on the power which holds the physical existence, not on the physical existence, which appears and disappears.

Religionists place God as the unknown reality and they base everything on the creation and creator theory. Every religionist has a different idea of God. Every man has a different idea of reality, hence there is a need to know the ultimate truth. The fallacy of religionist’s appeal to scripture lies in the varying and conflicting interpretations of the same scripture which different persons feel entitled to give or hold. 

Therefore, one has overcome all the inherited conditioning of belief system to unfold the mystery of the physical existence(mind).  Reason is common to all, whereas belief system is based on individual speculation and imagination.  The truth cannot be based on the belief system or on its scriptures.  
Scriptures can be interpreted in a many different ways and hence can never finally determine truth. Many scholars, god men, priests and intellectuals, each have different interpretations for example.  Most people take their own interpretations and call it truth. 

The God exists only when the man exists. Man and his experience of the world exist only when the mind exists. Therefore, it is necessary to unfold the truth of man’s existence, before investigating about gods’ existence.   Until and unless one is able to unfold the mystery of the mind, which appears and disappears, he will not be able to know the reality of the true existence. 

Individualized God propagated by the belief system can exist only within experience of duality(waking). Deeper self-search revels the fact that, the self is not physical, but it is the formless spirit. The experience of duality(universe or mind) is a mere mirage on the standpoint of the formless soul, the innermost self.  When one finds the fact that,  the self is not physical than reasoning on the physical base is erroneous . Therefore, one has to base the reason on the formless soul, the innermost  self.  Whatever is seen known believed and experienced as a person within the waking is bound to be falsehood, because they are based on the false physical self. The seeker can become aware of the fact that, physical existence is a mere mirage, when he indulges in deeper self-search. 

Thus, man and his experience of the world and his belief of God is part and parcel of the mirage. The mirage is created, sustained by spirit and finally it dissolves as consciousness.  The formless substance and witness of the mirage is real and eternal.

Reason is not intuition but that which exercise of the  thinking  the formless base in order to acquire the non-dualistic truth. When it is rectified, the closer to truth one proceeds.

Therefore,soul-centric  reasoning is necessary in order to unfold the mystery of the physical existence(universe or mind) to realize the fact that, the physical existence is a mere mirage.  Only the ultimate truth can be taken as God, because God is not an entity or identity within the experience of diversity(waking)  because God is formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness. The  consciousness  pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.Thus, consciousness is the ultimate reality and ultimate reality is God.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Non-duality is taught by some; some others teach duality. They don't understand that the all-pervading Reality is beyond both duality and non-duality.

 Avadhut Gita :-Non-duality is taught by some; some others teach duality. They don't understand that the all-pervading Reality is beyond both duality and non-duality.

There is no colour or sound to the one Reality; It has no qualities at all. How can one even think or speak of that which is far beyond both mind and speech?

When you know all this universe of forms To be as vacant as the sky, Then you'll know Brahman; Duality will forevermore cease to be.

To some, the Self appears as other; to me, the Self is the soul. Like undivided space, soul one alone exists.
How, then, could the subject and object of meditation be two?

Nothing of what I do or eat, or give or take, Exists for soul the innermost self; self is purity itself, beyond birth and death.

Know that the whole of the universe is without any form. Know that the whole of the universe is forever unchanging. Know that the whole of the universe is unstained by its contents. Know that the whole of the universe is of the nature of the formless soul, which is Brahman or God.

Soul, the innermost is the ultimate Reality; have no doubt. The soul innermost self is not something known by the ego; the soul, the innermost self is the very one who knows! How, then, could you think to know the Self? (  Dattatreya's Song of the Avadhut 1.36-42)
The idea that you are  So-and-so can never be true; it is a day-dream. Know this and be free. This is the Advaitic or non-dualistic  conclusion. "Self"  neither the body, nor the organs, nor the 'Self' is  the mind; self is  Existence, Knowledge, and Awareness absolute; self is the formless soul ." This is true knowledge; all reason and intellect, and everything else is ignorance. Where is knowledge for the 'formless soul, the innermost self' , for the 'Self' is  knowledge itself! Where is life for 'Self' , for the 'Self' is  life itself! self is  sure it  lives, for the 'Self' is  life, the One Being, and nothing exists except through the 'Self', and in the 'Self' , and as the 'Self', which is .

It is the Self that is in illusion and it is the self that gets free from the bondage of the illusion. The illusion is present in the form of mind. Mind is in the form of universe. Universe appears as waking or dream and disappears as deep sleep.
  The individual experiences of birth, life, death and the world are within the waking experience.  The dream is parallel waking experience and waking is parallel dream.

Deeper self-search reveals the fact that the, self is neither the waking entity nor the self is the dream entity but the self is formless soul, which witnesses the coming and going of the three states in succession without the physical apparatus.  This has to be mentally grasped and assimilated to realize the formless soul, the innermost   self is nothing to do with the three states. On the standpoint of the three states, the three states are mere illusion.

The practical life within the practical world, which is present as waking experience, is mere illusion. If waking experience is mere illusion than the individual experience of birth, life, death and world are mere illusion.   If the experience birth, life death and the world are mere illusion, it means the form; time and space are mere illusion.  If form, time and space are mere illusion, it means the past, present and future is mere illusion. Thus it is necessary for the seeker to realize the fact that,   form, time and space are one in essence, in order to realize the three states are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. Thus all the diversity is created out of   formless consciousness. Thus no second thing exist other than consciousness, the innermost self. Seeker of truth has to constantly reflect on the subject in order to get firm conviction of the truth.  Seeker has to reflect on the same truth again and again until it becomes reality. One needs to constant reflect on the subject until he gets firm conviction of what is what. Words are needed until one gets firm conviction of ‘what is what. 

Experience is prior to thinking.  Without waking experience thinking is 
impossible.  The thinking takes place within the waking experience. The thinker and the thought and the world are within the waking experience. The thinker,thought and the world are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. 

Without the Waking experience, the person and the world cease to exist. The person can think only within waking experience. Without the  Waking experience how can the person think? Therefore thinking is possible only within the  waking experience. 

Thought is not the means to realize the self. The thought is the product of false entity. The thought cannot form without the form,time and space. Form, time and space  are part of duality and duality is mere illusion from the ultimate standpoint. Thought keeps one in the realm of duality.  The duality ceases only when the thought,thinker and the world ceases. Thought is the tool to understand,assimilate and realize the ultimate truth in the realm of duality.  The mind becomes still  when the wisdom dawns because the mind rests in consciousness. 

Only a reversal thinking through inquiry and reasoning and analysis will lead one towards non-dual wisdom. Thinking is only a tool to move towards non-dual destination.  Instead of searching the source of the thought, it is better to search the source of the mind or the universe or waking experience, to unfold the mystery of the existence.

Words are needed until one gets firm conviction of ‘what is what. People need reading and hearing the words to think deeply and reach the ultimate end.   Formless Path blogs and Inner Path blogs helps the seeker to remove the mental blockade, which is blocking his realization. And it also helps to dispel the all the inborn and inherited conditioning or samskara from the subconscious. FP and IP blogs will help  not only as information to move at right direction to reach ultimate end of understanding but also helps as subconscious suggestions, which is very much necessary to establish in non-dualistic  reality.  By repeated reading and reflecting FP and IP blogs helps the seeker. FP and IP blogs are not teaching or theory. It only helps the seeker to remove the all the obstacle in the path of truth and reach the ultimate end in lesser time and effort.   

An average human being is totally unaware of the fact that he is an entity within the false experience

Kenopanishad II – verses 1-3:-He who thinks that he knows really thereby proves himself ignorant. He who realizes that he cannot know Him has best understood Him. Those who seek to know Him, as they can grasp things of ordinary knowledge, can never achieve their object. Those who realize the limitation of the human mind in respect of the knowledge of the Supreme Spirit and, therefore, frankly confess ignorance, really approach a true understanding of it.

The limitation of human knowledge, when trying to comprehend the Supreme Being, is brought out in the above epigram. 

Kenopanishad II – verses 4:-When it is known through every conscious state, it is rightly known and one attains eternal life thereby. Through his own self he gains strength and through his knowledge immortality. Not by reasoning but only by an awakening can we get a vision of the Supreme Spirit. Life, in relation to the Ultimate Reality, is like a state of sleep. Reason, in respect of Ultimate Reality, is like the impossible conception of a sleeping man trying to know what he is about, without waking up. As sleep is to waking, so is ordinary life to the state of realization.

A smritis, or code of conduct composed by sage Atri defines brahminhood very clearly.:- 

"By birth, every man is a Shudra (an ignorant person). Through various types of disciplines (samskaras), he becomes a dwija (twice born). Through the studies of scriptures, he becomes a vipra (or a scholar). Through realization of supreme spirit (brahmajnana), he becomes a Brahmin."

The belief that people born in Brahmin caste, automatically become Brahmins, is a much later concept in the very ancient India.  Thus, Brahmin means not caste but one who has attained Atma Jnana or Brahma Jnana.  

When the ultimate truth is rightly known and one attains eternal life thereby. Through soul, the innermost self he gains strength and through its knowledge immortality.

 Not by intellectual   speculation but only by an awakening to the reality of his true existence he gets soulcentric vision. Soul, the innermost self’s nature is like state of deep sleep.

Religion, yoga and intellectualism are not the means to acquire self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.  Without getting rid of the ignorance and trying to get self-awareness through religion and yoga is like a sleeping man trying to know what he is about, without waking up. As sleep is to waking, so is ordinary life to the state of realization.

The seeker has to rectify mentally the reasoning base from egocentric to soul-centric in order to get perfection in his understanding and assimilation of what is what to realize ‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’.

Mentally reducing the universe into waking and waking into the mind and mind into consciousness leads to non-dualistic   self-awareness.

The witness is not physical. Thus neither the waking entity nor the dream entity is not the witness the witness is that, which witnesses,   the three states without the physical apparatus. Thus viewing judging the the three states on the waking entity is erroneous. 

The three states (witnessed) are a mere mirage on the standpoint of the formless witness, which is the soul (consciousness), the innermost self.

The three states are the product of ignorance. Only by getting rid of ignorance leads to Self awareness. Thus Self-Knowledge or Brama Gnana or Atma Gnana is necessary in order to get rid of ignorance.

Getting rid ignorance is possible thorough soul-centric reasoning.

  • *      The first is by deeper inquiry and soul-centric reasoning.

  • *      The second is from perfect understanding of what is what

  • *      The third is getting  a firm conviction of what is truth 
Though inquiry, analysis and soul-centric reasoning lead to deeper understanding perfect grasp of ‘what is truth’ and ‘what is untruth’. Perfect understanding and assimilation  leads to firm conviction and firm conviction leads to non-dualistic or Advaitic self-awareness in the midst of duality(waking).

 The soul or consciousness is the formless substance and the witness of the three states.  A deeper self search reveals the fact that the three states are created out of single stuff. That stuff is formless consciousness. Thus the three states are one in essence.  Thus there is no second thing exists other than the formless soul consciousness, the innermost self.  Realizing the consciousness as the innermost self is the goal of the truth seeker.  Soul, the innermost self is nothing to do with the three states, because the three states are mere mirage created out of consciousness.

Only after deeper self search one becomes aware of the existence of the formless witness of the three states .Thus it is necessary for the seeker to understand the distinction between the witness (subject) and witnessed (object) clearly in order to overcome all the fatter and obstacles in the pursuit of truth.

Non duality means complete freedom that is, freedom from experiencing the duality as reality.   Only when one becomes aware of the fact that Before replying to this question the seeker has to know what the true self, really is. This is possible only when he investigates what ‘I’ really is?

Deeper self-search  revels the fact that ‘I’ is not the physical body, but ‘I’ is the whole experience of duality which is present  in the form of mind.

Consciousness is the substance and witness of the duality.  The duality is present in the form of mind. Mind is present in the form of universe. The universe appears as waking or dream and diapers as deep sleep. The one which is aware of the coming and going of the three states is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless soul, which is present in the form of consciousness.  When the soul becomes aware of its formless non-dual true nature in the midst of duality it is called self –awareness. It is foolish to limit the consciousness only to duality because the consciousness pervades all the three states. 
Waking or dream. Only when the ‘I’ is there the Waking or dream is there. Only when the ‘I’ is there the mind is there.  Absent of the ‘I’, is absent of the mind (waking or dream).Therefore seeker can easily conclude the fact ‘I’ is the mind or experience of duality (waking or dream. 
The mind is an experience. Experience is duality. The witness of duality is formless. And it is within the experience of duality(waking), but it is a part.  It is within the experience of duality(waking) as its invisible substance and it is apart from it, because it is not an entity or identity, within the experience of duality or mind.

In reality the mind or ‘I’ (waking or dream) is nothing but a perverted manifestation of the real self or the nondual sprit. Self knowledge means complete annihilation of the ignorance. The non dual self replaces the false self, and the burden and bondage of the experience of duality on the false self disappears and the knowledge of the true self  eradicates the unreality which was all the time experienced as reality.  

The self remains after it is consciously become aware of the fact that the duality is a mere mirage imposed on it. The self becomes of conscious of its formless nondual true nature and becomes aware of the fact that the whole experience of diversity which is a mere mirage erupted out from itself, therefore it is unreal. Therefore it really nothingness even if it creates the sense of reality. Since, there is no second thing other then the self in the experience of diversity which is the mere mirage.  

The self remains prevails self conscious within the experience of duality without the burden and bondage of the physical shackle.   It is the state of nothingness in the midst of duality; there is neither creation nor the creator but the wisdom state of conscious of the true fact that nothing is real in the state of diversity other than the true self, which is the nondual spirit. It is very much necessary to know ‘I’ is ‘I’ -less in its true nature.

The self prevails after the annihilation of the mind (duality), that its attention is directed on its own self. The average person is totally unaware of the fact, that he an entity within the false experience. The average person is unaware of the fact that what  was there before the appearance of the waking experience (universe or mind). There is nothing higher or greater than the state f the self.

Nothingness is realizing everything in the waking experience (universe or mind) is nothing but consciousness(soul).  The soul is the innermost self.  An average human being is totally unaware of the fact that he is an entity within the false experience.  The false experience is created and witnesses by formless single substance. Only when he inquires, analyzes and reasons, he becomes aware of the fact that,  all the three states  is created out of single substance. That single substance is consciousness.  Therefore it is erroneous to view and judge the three states  on the base of  the waking entity(ego)  which is not the author of the false experiences(three states) . All the three states  has to be viewed and judged on the base of the formless substance(soul or consciousness)  of the three states  to realize the fact that , the formless substance itself is the witness and the witness itself is the author of the three states.  thus the soul,which is present in the form of consciousness is ultimate truth of Brahman.

Friday, August 24, 2012

It is very much necessary to realize the fact that, the subject is formless(soul) and object(mind or universe) is the form in order to realize non-dualistic or Advaitic truth.

Subject--object relation has to be determined not within waking experience, But between the three states (mind) and its formless witness(soul).

Whatever determined between man and his experience of the world within the waking experience will reveal only the objective knowledge not the knowledge of the subject, which is beyond form, time and space.

"MEHER BABA Said:-A true aspirant is not content with the knowledge of spiritual realities based on hearsay... he insists on the direct knowledge."

Seeker of truth has to verify the fact through soulcentric   reasoning, before accepting anything as truth. Seeker has to accept only un-contradicted truth.

Seeker has to make sure before indulging in pursuit of truth; whether the self is form, or self is formless and have the firm conviction about the true self.

If one finds form is the self, then the religion, yoga, atheism, theories and practices hold good for him, not pursuit of truth.  If one finds the ‘Self’ is formless then he is fit to venture in to path of wisdom or pursuit of truth.

Never indulge in argument with others because pursuit of truth is not pursuit of argument. Truth pursuit is a very personal journey and, it is not for arguing with others and condemning others views and wisdom. But it is for making sure what is truth, and have a firm conviction of truth for himself.

The truth revels only when one knows the real subject, and nature of the object. When one becomes sure mentally the subject is formless object is form, he becomes aware of the fact, that the whole objective experince is mere mirage. And the whole objective experince is created out of the subject which is formless.

Therefore, there is no duality in subjective awareness,because everything is created and witnessed by the subject. Hence there is no second thing other then the formless subject.

There is no proof needed to know about the formless subject. The bulb cannot be powered without the electricity. The same way the dream or waking cannot be powered without the formless subject.

For communication purposes they call and identify with many names and words such as:- spirit, Atman,Consciousness,Awareness, Self, Over self, God, Brahman etc... therefore it not correct to hold a particular word and argue. The words have no meaning in subjective awareness. The words and all the theories hold good in objective awareness(mind or waking experience).

It is very much necessary to realize the fact that,  the subject is formless(soul) and object(mind or universe) is the form in order to realize non-dualistic or Advaitic truth.