When the self is formless therefore it is birth less and deathless. Thus the theory based on the body, which is not the self is mere imagination and speculation. The belief system has all sorts’ myths and stories which are deep-rooted in the minds of people. People are sentimentally getting involved in such myth. The pursuit of truth is to clear all the myth. This myth involved in such myth. The pursuit of truth is to clear all the myth. This myth are add-onns and suffer. But for that everyone has to investigate the truth of their own religion by peeping into the annals of the history of their own religion. Thus what is the use of getting indulged in the religious prescription which brings suffering.
Truth should not only be known but it should be proved, verified. Through Deeper self-search one become aware of the fact that there is ONE but it proves that there is no second thing. Thinkers started with one substance, or the Absolute; but where is the proof of the existence of this ONE or the Absolute. Hence they started with assumptions; whereas mere assumption is not proof, but the truth has to be proved mentally and accepted for one's own realization.
Self-discovery does not even start with the assumption of some truth; the discovery of the existence of consciousness comes only at the end of deeper self-search and not at the beginning.
This is the Great difference between religion and spirituality (path of truth). Every religious tenet may seem superior on their own accord but they are based on the false self within the false experience.
Religions are created for the mass to regulate their lives with religious code of conduct with fear of conceptual god and the reward of heaven, hell, and rebirth, and sin, good and bad life in the next world or in the next life.
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