Thursday, August 16, 2012

Right- base, Right knowledge and Right- reasoning’ and sharpness to grasp and receptivity is very much necessary to pave the path towards nondual destination.

The Seekers who embark whole-heartily on the pursuit of truth have to get rid of all accumulated inherited dross from parental grooming, religion and circumstances by perfect understanding. Seeking mind can attain liberation on becoming endowed with – knowledge of the true self.

Truth pursuit is an inner journey. It is only by going on this inner pilgrimage that the seekers of truth swim across the illusory ocean of the duality. The pursuit of truth is a mental journey.  ‘Right- base, Right knowledge and Right- reasoning’ is necessary to assimilate the self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Right- base, Right knowledge and Right- reasoning’ and sharpness to grasp and receptivity is very much necessary to pave the path towards nondual destination.

The soul is the innermost self. The soul is the source. The source is the inner  pilgrimage. Therefore, all seekers of truth should undertake the pilgrimage of the true Self through deeper-self-search  into the nature of the mind, to overcome the cycle of illusory birth, life and death.

The formless soul  is the source of the waking or dream, for it causes the creation and dissolution of the waking or dream. By the creation and dissolution are meant the manifestation and demanifestation of the waking or dream.

 The waking or dream remains potential as impressions in the formless soul and it causes its manifestation waking or dream is like the unrolling of a painted canvas.

 If the painted canvas is rolled up, the picture is no longer visible. In the same way, when the ignorance is removed with the sword of knowledge, the formless soul  withdraws into itself the waking or dream with all that it contains i.e., all remain in a latent form.

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