Sunday, January 29, 2012

Where is the body, where is ego, where is the world; the void; or despair in the true self, which the taintless soul or consciousness.

 As person perceiving the world one thinks he is born in this world and world existed prior to him, this conviction makes him physical oriented, thus he views and judges the worldview on the physical base therefore his understanding is limited to the physicality. 

Deeper inquiry reveals the fact that, the self is not physical but it is formless [consciousness]. On the base of formless [consciousness] as self, the unreal nature of the mind is exposed. the mind is in the form of universe. Universe appears as waking or dream.  On the standpoint of the innermost self , the waking is as unreal as dream.  thus the waking experience itself is mere illusion.

 When man his world are within the illusion and all his experiences are happenings within the illusion. Until one thinks the physical self as real self, he is bound to be in the realm of duality. The one which knows itself as body with the name is not the body but it is consciousness. When the consciousness withdraws itself then there is neither body, nor the name, nor the world exists. And consciousness alone prevails as non-dual existence. 

Where is the body, where is ego, where is the world; the void; or despair in the true self, which the taintless soul or consciousness. They are or have becomes formless  consciousness.  

One thinks there is mind when he has thoughts, but when thoughts are not considered different from the consciousness, which is the true self, then where is the division into, waking, dream and deep sleep etc.  

Void implies to duality: the universe may not exist but the thought of the second is there.  If one knows there is Void [emptiness/nothingness], then there is something there to be known and know. They are or have become consciousness. 

What are scriptures, what is self-knowledge, what is mind without the objects, what is contentment, and where is desirelessness for theformless soul/true self, which is ever devoid of sense of duality.

What is knowledge? What is ignorance? What is the ego? What is duality? What is mind? What is bondage? What is liberation?  What is definableness to the formless self/soul, which is in the form of consciousness?

All theses appearances are mere mirage, which come and go; hence meaningless to the formless soul/true self.

The ego based knowledge is not ultimate knowledge because ego based knowledge is dualistic knowledge based on the object [body] as subject. But in non-dualistic Knowledge whatever seems to exist also is consciousness; therefore there is no scope for the existence of the second thing.  

What is past karmas? What is liberation –in this life? and what is that liberation at death?for the birth- less soul,which is  ever formless. 

Nearest state to understand the soul by itself is to eliminate mentally waking and dream as in deep sleep.   Once this is grasped one has to understand everything is consciousness, which is the true self.

What is the doer or the enjoyer?  What is cessation of thoughts or rising of thoughts? What is immediate perception and its result to, the formless soul, which is ever impersonal.  A 

Gnani is the one who is never afraid of thinking and knowing all his individual experience and the world to be consciousness.

What is the world and what is meant by the aspirant for liberation; what is contemplative and what is man of knowledge; what the self is and what liberated self to the formless soul, which is the non-dual essence.   

When we analyze the dream experience we find the dream entity, dream world with all people in it appeared as a whole, and the dream reality lasted until waking experience appeared. When one tries to know the truth of his true existence in waking through inquiry, analysis and reasoning, one becomes aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but it is formless soul, which is in the form of consciousness which is the essence of the three states from which the three states are made.  Thus the illusions of the three states are made of one single substance, which is consciousness.  By realizing the formless substance, which is consciousness as self, the ignorance vanishes  and one become aware of the fact that the three states are mere illusion on the standpoint of the formless substance ,which is also the witness of the three states.

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