Saturday, January 21, 2012

Ultimate truth or Brahman cannot be experienced, because the ‘Self ‘is not an individual because it is formless

People think by taking Diksh or initiation from some guru or yogi and they are experiencing the bliss. And they think they are capable of transforming that bliss to others and they start hallucinating that, what they experienced as bliss is reality. But they fail to realize the fact that, the waking entity is false self (ego) within the false experience (waking). When the self is not the waking entity than whatever is practiced as waking entity is bound to be falsehood because the waking experience itself is illusion.

Therefore, it is necessary to realize the fact that, their existence as a person (waking entity or ego) within the universe (waking) is mere illusion because the universe (waking) is mere illusion from ultimate standpoint.

It is very difficult for those who are caught up in the understanding based on the false self (waking entity or ego) within the false experience (waking) to realize the fact that, whatever they have experienced as bliss is mere hallucination because the Ultimate truth or Brahman cannot be experienced, because the ‘Self ‘is not an individual because it is formless and it is cause of the form, time and space and it itself is uncaused. --FORMLESS PATH

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