Friday, January 27, 2012

There is no second thing exist other than the spirit, the innermost self or GOD

Orthodox view seems to be that the devoted devotee eventually goes to heaven to be eternally with the God. The religious ideas of heaven, hell, paradise, sin, karma are based on the waking entity, which is the false self (ego) within the false experience (waking). 
Self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but the self is the formless substance and witness of the three states. When the self is not the waking entity (ego) than whatever seen, known, believed and experienced of the world within the waking experience is bound to be falsehood. 

Where there is no experience then there is no duality where there no duality then there is no second thing exist other than the self-awareness. Therefore seeker has to trace the obstacles, which is blocking his realization of ultimate truth of Brahman. For the sincere and serious seekers the inner grace will guide until the ignorance vanishes. When one becomes aware of the fact that the diversity [universe or Illusion] is mere mirage created out of consciousness, the innermost self than he enters the non-dual Self-Awareness. Waking experience in which a person perceives the world doesn't exists as real in Self-awareness. In non-dual self-awareness the experience of duality (body, ego and the world) is also consciousness. 

Whatever one thinks as waking entity within the waking experience makes him something other than what self is. When the waking experience ends, what happens? It is consciousness alone prevails without the three states. the nature of the innermost self is like deep sleep where the waking or dream are absent. but deep sleep states is state of ignorance. when the wisdom dawns in the midst of waking than there is conscious self- awareness . in self-awareness the body is not body , the ego is not ego and the experience of the world world is not world but they too are not considered different from consciousness. Thus soul (spirit) matter (mind or universe) are one in essence. There is no second thing exist other than the spirit, the innermost self or GOD. -FORMLESS PATH

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