Sunday, July 29, 2012

If you seek reality you must set yourself free of all backgrounds, of all cultures, of all patterns of thinking and feeling. Even the idea of being a man or a woman, or even human should be discarded.

People talk of the love, and humanity in Atmic or non-dualistic discussion. Love and humanity is nothing to do with Atmic discussion. Love and humanity are part and parcel of the duality. Love and humanity are  reality within the illusion but they cannot be mixed in non- dualistc discussion. 

The individual life, love and humanity are nothing to do with the pursuit of truth because self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity  but self is formless soul. Love and humanity implies  duality. Thus mixing  love in non-dualistc discussion is like mixing water and oil.  

Nisargadatta Maharaj:- If you seek reality you must set yourself free of all backgrounds, of all cultures, of all patterns of thinking and feeling. Even the idea of being a man or a woman, or even human should be discarded.

The practical life within the practical world, which is present as waking experience, is mere illusion. If waking experience is mere illusion than the individual experience of birth, life, death and the world are mere illusion.   If the experience birth, life death and the world are mere illusion, it means the form; time and space are mere illusion.  If form, time and space are mere illusion, it means the past, present and future is mere illusion. Thus it is necessary for the seeker to realize the fact that,   form, time and space are one in essence, in order to realize the three states are one in essence. That essence is consciousness. Thus all the diversity is created out of   formless consciousness. Thus no second thing exists other than consciousness, the innermost self. Seeker of truth has to constantly reflect on the subject in order to get a firm conviction of the truth.  The seeker has to reflect on the same truth again and again until it becomes reality. One needs to constant reflect on the subject until he gets a firm conviction of what is what.

If one has understood 'I’ or ‘I AM ‘is not the self and what really is ‘I’ or ‘I AM’, there is no necessity for the pursuit of truth.  When in deeper self-search one becomes aware neither the body nor the ‘I’ is self than one has to base the self on whatever prevails without the body and without the ‘I’. Passing the opinion   and judgment even after knowing the self is not ‘I’, itself is erroneous.  Thus holding the ‘I’ as self and passing judgement and opinion based on the ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ is only a hallucinated judgment based on the false self. This because they have taken the false self as real self and false experience as real experience.    

There is no doubt many dualistic  masters have given a valuable contribution to  the world but none of them take one to the ultimate end because they are based on dualistc standpoint. Thus seeker has to verify on his own remove the entire obstacle, which is blocking his realization on his own.  There is no need to criticize any teacher or Guru and waste time instead seeker has to utilize the same time  to acquire self-knowledge through deeper self-search. 

Truth means certainty. If there is any uncertainty it is not truth. It does not deal with imaginations. People do not have the scientific attitude because they take things as presented to them. They have rather the emotional and sentimental attitude. The correct attitude is to verify all the facts, to see a problem with them, something to investigate and inquire into them.

Truth must be verifiable; unless it is verifiable it is of no value.  Those who lack the capacity to doubt are not fit for the pursuit of truth.

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