Sunday, July 29, 2012

The people who are stuck with half-truth think they have already realized and think that they are realized ultimate truth and they try to snub others and expect to follow their own terms without realizing they have not yet completed the journey.

Some think using the language without the words they will attain the state of oneness by telling others not use words with words.   The oneness does not arise by observing silence or without using language without words or trying to be in the thoughtlessness. The deep sleep is the   state of thoughtlessness, silence, wordlessness, silence but it is not considered as state of oneness because anyone can take a sleeping pill and will be able to get the state of oneness. Thus trying to imitate the state of oneness in duality by observing silence, thoughtlessness, wordlessness or by yogic Samadhi or surrendering to the physical guru the wisdom will not dawn. Without wisdom the ignorance will not vanish. Thus getting rid of the ignorance through wisdom is the only way to realize the ultimate truth or Brahman.     

If one has understood what ‘truth ‘really is “then there is no necessity to know ‘Who am I? or ‘I am that’.   ‘WHO AM I?’ or ‘I AM THAT’ reveal only half-truth because they are limited to individuality and reveals only the unreal nature of the ego.   Ego is individuality whereas the self is not an individual because self is formless consciousness.  Thus the journey is incomplete.  The seeker has to go much deeper know the full truth about the ‘self ‘which is beyond form, time and space.

The bookish knowledge is not wisdom. The knowledge accumulated from intellectual spoon feeding from the intellectual wise men is not wisdom.  The persons who are propagating only half-truth as absolute truth are playing with the feelings of the seeker with ornamental words.   The people who are stuck with half-truth think they have already realized and think that they are realized ultimate truth  and they try to snub others and expect to follow their own terms without realizing they have not yet completed the journey.

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