Monday, July 30, 2012

. The real cannot be described; it must be discovered and realized

The words betray the hollowness. The real cannot be described; it must be discovered and realized. Whatever the words try to convey is only helpful to grasp the truth. The nondual truth has to be grasped and realized.  Man knows only the world, and his individual experiences within the world.   He is not aware of the fact that, he and his experience of the world are part of the illusion. He views and judges the truth on the base of his birth entity, which is false entity, thus he is stuck in the muck of illusion or duality. The nondual truth lies beyond the physical based understanding.  Thus, it is necessary to verify the fact through deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning about his own inherited beliefs and accumulated knowledge, in order to realize, how they become an obstacle in realizing the truth.

The physical conditioning of the soul will be dropped only when it realizes the fact that, the physical self or ego is not the self. Thus struggling to get rid of the ego and ego based conditioning or samskara is a foolish venture.

Constant mental pounding is necessary through constant reflecting on the truth that, the soul is the true self and on the base of the soul all else is mere mirage/illusion.  When one grasps this  truth and becomes firm in his conviction the physical conviction drops and the nondual wisdom dawns.  Thus, one becomes aware of the nondual truth in the midst of the experience of duality or illusion. 

Reason is the common ground for the whole humankind in the modern age, whereas the appeal to scriptural relations reaches only the creed and sects.  Those who argue that truth is only in their religion are vain logicians, depending on mere ideas, speculations and imaginations.

Truth is bitter pill. It becomes very difficult for the seeker to accept it at first; because of his inborn and also his inherited conditioning or samskara. Gradually he will be able to grasp it as he moves on.
The illusion is present only in ignorance where, 'I' and you are separate entities. In truth, there is neither 'I' nor you, nor, the illusion. Therefore there is no teaching, no teacher, and no student in reality.

Truth pursuit is a very personal journey. The seeker has to verify minutely on his own, “what is truth”, and “what is not truth”, before accepting anything as truth. The illusion exists as reality, only on the base of the ego, which is he false self within the false experience.

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