Saturday, July 28, 2012

The mass mind set is not bothered to find out the ultimate truth

 The experience of waking and dream springs up from the soul, which is in the form of spirit or consciousness.  The man within the world is ignorant of the soul, which is the true self, and perceives the world as reality. Once he becomes aware of the true self is the soul/spirit, he becomes aware of the fact that his body and the world are created out of the spirit and the experience of the diversity is a mere mirage created out of spirit.  The enlightened however perceive the spirit in all things, both inanimate. For him the body and his experience of the world of forms and names and forms get merges in the Bramhan or  ultimate reality .

The mass mind set is not bothered to find out the ultimate truth. All they want is a happy life of ease with plenty of money and other comforts at their command.  Thus the mass is seeking a happy life with comforts free from fear.  They are strongly conditioned to believe in birth, life and death therefore, the idea of birth, life and death will not diminish until one realizes the birth, life and death are part of the illusion.  Until one believes the birth entity as self, it is impossible to assimilate the self-knowledge.

Therefore, one has to realize the fact that the birth, life and death take place in the waking experience, which appears and disappears. The formless substance and witness of the three states is real and permanent.

The seeking mind should engage fully and constantly reflecting on the soul/self. The seeking mind be conscious of the fact that the three states are not, what it thinks it to be. They are mere illusion created and witnessed by the soul/self.  The world in which man exists seems to be real on the base of waking entity/ego.   The man and his experience of the world and his beliefs are part of the illusion. Whatever prevails without the illusion is real and permanent.

The very search of happiness in the waking experience leads one towards the hallucination. All the search of the happiness of the world is part of the illusion. One has to think of the beyond to know the waking experience is mere illusion.  The soul, which is the substance and the witness of the three states, is within and apart. It is within as their formless substance and it is apart as their formless witness.

 The dream illustration is the best illustration to know the waking experience is also as unreal as a dream.  The dream was experienced without the physical apparatus as a whole.  The dream entity and dream world were within the dream.  Dream appeared as whole, and disappeared as a whole.  Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, the waking also is also similar to dream. The waking is parallel dream and dream is parallel waking.   The substance and witness of the dream and waking is one and the same. Thus the self is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity but the formless witness of the three states. Therefore it is necessary to make sure the existence of the formless witness which is neither the waking entity nor the dream entity.

The waking also is witnessed without the physical apparatus, because the waking is still on. And the waking entity perceives the world as a reality within the waking experience.  Thus the waking entity is in ignorance and experiences the illusory duality as reality. Thus the individual experiences of birth life, death and world experience as reality within the waking experience. But waking experience itself is a mere mirage on the standpoint of the formless witness.

Only when the waking entity gets rid of the ignorance through deeper self-search than it becomes aware of the fact that the self is neither the waking entity nor dream entity but the formless knower of the three states and realized are a mere mirage created out of consciousness.

If one realizes that the mind which is in the form of the universe is a mere mirage created out of soul, which is in the form of  consciousness, that there is absolutely no difference between them than he realizes the fact that his existence as a person within the world is a mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus he becomes aware of the fact that, the man and the universe is within that mirage. Thus his physical existence along with his experience of the world is falsehood.

Just as in the dream universe appears to exist outside the body, but is inside the mind. It appears to be outside because of ignorance and the illusion is experienced as reality. For just as when one wakes up after a dream, all the people, towns, mountains and ocean of dream are then known to be inside his mind, it was only ignorance, which placed them outside his-self.

The whole universe is a created out of consciousness and the universe which appears in the form of mind is a myth.  The birth, life, death and the world are experienced within the mind.
People think the mind is confined to be a little thing like one's brain.  Deeper self-search reveals the fact that it is not so. The mind is the whole universe in which man exists and experiences his individual experience of birth, life and death.  The form, tine and space are reality within the illusory universe. The universe appears as waking or dream.  The    three states are mere mirage on ultimate the standpoint. People are unprepared to accept the truth because they are in the grip of ignorance.   Most people will never accept the truth because they have accepted their physical identity as self and practical life within the practical world as reality.

It is very difficult to trace the source of the universe without understanding what is the mind.  One has to know the fact that; the mind and universe appear together and disappear to gather. If mind is there then only the universe is present. If mind is absent then the universe is absent. Thus one has to conclude the mind itself is  the universe.

In deeper self-search one becomes aware of the fact that, the mind is not within the body but body and the experience of the universe are within the mind.   Thus it is erroneous to limit the mind to the physical entity and think the mind is within the body.

If the whole body is scanned only one can see functions of all the organs but it is impossible to trace the mind because the mind is not only the person but also the universe.  Until this truth is assimilated it is impossible to move deeper in pursuit of truth.

In sleep, it is quite blank. Similarly, if one looks into a seed, he does not see the tree there. Nevertheless, both world and tree are developments from ignorance and seed.  Thus ignorance is the seed of the universe. If the truth revels then there is neither ignorance nor the universe.  

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