Saturday, July 28, 2012

To know “what is reality” one has to know “what is not reality”

To know “what is reality” one has to know “what is not reality”.  To know what is not reality one has become aware of the formless substance and the witness of the three states. Until one investigates the fact that the ‘i’ is not the self, it will remain unaware of the true self. Only when one becomes aware of the fact that the waking entity is not the self , then the focus of attention will be shifted on the formless witness of the three states and realizes the fact that, the formless witness ,which is the soul/spirit is the also the substance of the three states.  One becomes aware of the fact that, on the base of the soul as self the three states are unreal.

Thus, the birth, life and death become part of the unreal. The man and world becomes part of the unreal. Pleasure and pain becomes part of the unreal. Joy and sorrow become part of the unreal. What is ever seen, known, believed and experienced as a person within the waking also becomes unreal. Whatever prevails without the three states, as the witness is real and eternal. Thus, the soul/spirit/self, which is the substance and witness, is the  real and  the eternal. 

All agendas are within the illusion, which appears in the form of mind or the universe or waking experience. The self is within the illusion as its formless substance and it is without the illusion as its formless witness. The formless witness is the one which witnesses the body and the universe together.  Thus the ordinary awareness is physical awareness [waking] is not self-awareness.

  In self-awareness the body is not the body but it is the consciousness, the ego is not ego but it is the consciousness, the world is not the world but it is the consciousness even though they exist but their unreal nature is exposed. Just as the dream becomes unreal when waking takes place, the waking also becomes unreal when nondual wisdom dawns. The witness (knower) is that witnesses the coming and going of the three states. 

This truth has to be grasped mentally to realize the existence of the formless witness. Once this truth is grasped mentally, then one has to cling to the formless witness. Once one clings to this formless witness mentally than the subconscious has the yardstick to accept the truth and reject the untruth. Thus,  deeper self-search is necessary to understand, assimilate to have a firm conviction of what is what in order to get self-awareness. . 

 Deeper self-search reveals the fact that, The soul(consciousness) ,body and world are one in essence therefore no second thing exists other than the soul , which is in the form of consciousness.  By realizing all the three states as consciousness leads to  nondual Self-awareness.

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