Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Non-dual Self-Awareness is quite different from meditation, yogic Samadhi

 Non-dual Self-Awareness   is quite different from meditation, yogic Samadhi and practices which are based on physical self, which is the false self(ego or waking entity) within the false experience(waking). 
Meditation and yoga are not the means to acquire the Self-Awareness but they are helpful tools in the preparatory stages to make one receptive and keep away from all the distractions.

Speaking of ultimate truth and then opining that one need not inquiry to verify the facts is meaningless. Even as a method to get at ultimate truth one has to analyze the mind (universe/waking). Speaking  of ultimate truth or Brahman is different from realization of ultimate truth or Brahman.

Just as sugar generated from sugarcane juice is wholly pervades by that juice, so the mind produced in consciousness permeated by consciousness through and through.
This can be understood and assimilated only through illustration of waking, dream and deep sleep. The body, ego and the world exist only in waking or dream. And waking is as false as dream. In waking and dream the consciousness pervades in everything and everywhere through and through.

The three states appear from the ignorance of consciousness and disappear with the knowledge of consciousness. The mind appears from non-cognition of the consciousness and disappears with its recognition.

The moment one knows that three states are consciousness, there is no ignorance. One has to know the consciousness is everything and everything is nothing but consciousness.

One has to Begin to see his -self as a consciousness with a body and the world rather than a body with a consciousness.

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