Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The three states are an object to the formless soul, which is the subject.

The soul is the knower of the three states, which appears and disappears in succession.  The Seeker has to train himself to overcome his inborn (I) and inherited samskaras conditioning of viewing and judging the world on the base waking entity or ego. By rectifying his reasoning base from physical to spirit will help him to understand, assimilate the Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Just as dream sinks, back to the substance from which it is made of and rises back as waking experience, same way the Waking experience also is created out of the same formless substance.  The substance and witness and also the source of both Waking and dream are one in essence.  The dream becomes unreal when waking takes place same waking becomes unreal when waking entity becomes aware of the fact that,   it itself is not the self but the self is the soul, which witnesses the three states without the physical apparatus. The three states are an object to the formless soul, which is the subject.

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