Saturday, February 4, 2012

Formless Soul or consciousness(Atman), the innermost self is the real God.

Man has to rise triumphant in to the realm of reality of his own existence that is the burning requirement of today. Eventually, when man, surfeited by inanities of religion, god glorification, yogic practice of materialism, need to turn to the perennial springs of spiritual truth, to quench his spiritual thirst.

Self-Knowledge is the means to emancipation from the illusory experience of birth, life and death [duality]. The seekers have to invalidate the illusory nature of the birth, life and death experiences and defend them through the knowledge of the true self, which is not physical but it is the formless spirit. 
Non-dual  or  Advaitic truth is very simple, but it seems difficult on the base of physical self or ego. It is for the serious seekers, who have the real urge of knowing the mystery behind their own existence. Non-dual truth is based on  formless soul, which is the innermost  self.
Self-knowledge  or Brahma Gnana is about:  How to find detachment or freedom from experience of duality and attain wisdom. The seeker who is receptive and ready for transformation happens simultaneously as he is able   assimilates Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
The seeker, who has intense urge and capacity grasp the truth, immediately awakens as the formless witness of the three state states. 
Pursuit of truth means truth embarking on a rare mental journey. There is noting to strive physically for. Seeker has to mentally trace and realize the formless substance and witness of the three states. Seeker has to descend into the depth of inquiry and soul-centric  reasoning to understand, assimilate and realize the reality of his true existence. 
By inquiring, reasoning, understanding, assimilating, listening, reflecting the Seeking Mind becomes more receptive. F.P & I.P   blogs  helps weaves its insights to seduce the Seeking Mind to shift its attention from the experience of duality on its own formless non-dual true nature which is the soul.
Moment the Seeking Mind senses the self-awareness , then the waking  experience is mere mirage. Thus it is necessary to view and judge the worldview on the standpoint of the soul as self to realize the experience of diversity is mere mirage.
When one becomes fully aware of the fact that the fact that the formless substance and the witness of the three states is the soul. And he also becomes aware of the fact that the formless substance and the witness both are one in essence. That essence is the soul or consciousness, the innermost self. 

Non-dual  or Advaitic Truth is based on the source from which the mind or universe  arise, and the source to which it returns. Without discovering the source the truth realization is impossible.
The  ultimate truth or Brahman  lies beyond religion and  concept of God , scriptures, yoga and theoretical philosophies, because they are based on the  waking entity or ego,which is the false self within within the false experience(waking).   The belief system is meant for people who are incapable to grasping the truth who strongly believe the practical life within the practical world as reality.
The “Soul or consciousness  itself is ultimate truth”. Therefore searching the truth on the base of religion, god and scriptures and yogic practice will not yield any fruits, because they are not based on the true self, which is the soul.
Since, religion, individual God and yoga are based on the waking entity or ego which is part of the falsehood. 
Soul or consciousness, the innermost self is formless, timeless and space-less one; and it pervades in everything and everywhere  in all   the three states [waking dream and deep sleep] as their formless substance and witness. Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana  is the right tool to unfold the mystery of the mind or universe(physical existence).
All physical based spiritual teachings such as religion, God and goddesses , scriptural studies and yoga are inadequate or useless in pursuit of truth.
Deeper self-search  helps the Seeking Mind to realize the fact that ,  the mind is in the form of universe and universe appears waking  therefore   mind  or  universe or waking  is myth, Whatever prevails without the myth is the  the  formless soul or consciousness, the innermost self. soul  or consciousness is ultimate reality or Brahman or God.
The world, which is suffering from the religion syndrome creating the unrest, terrorism, wars in the name of  conceptual religion and  such conceptual God,  does not exist when verified  through deeper self-search.  no God can exist apart from the consciousness . therefore  the Formless  Soul or consciousness(Atman), the innermost self is   the real God.

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