Monday, February 6, 2012

The sincere and serious Kriya yogi gets the inner direction intuitively or in some other form when his kriya matures, that it is time for him to drop his practice and he has to strive to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana

Kriya yoga thought by Parmahansa Yogananda and his line of Gurus  is very helpful  in preparatory stages of pursuit of truth.  End goal of the Kriya yogi is Samadhi. Yogic Samadhi is not Self-awareness.  Self-awareness is beyond all concepts and language, and even beyond the form, time and space. In the end even the attachment to the divine sound, divine light and divine vibration, must be dropped by realizing divine sound, divine light and divine vibration are one in essence.   The sincere and serious Kriya yogi   gets the inner   direction intuitively or in some other form  when his kriya matures,  that it is time for him to drop his practice and he has to strive to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana to realize the divine light, divine sound and divine vibration are one in essence. And that essence is consciousness (soul), the innermost self.  

Without Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana, it is impossible to realize the form, time and space are one in essence. Without the realizing the form, time and space are one in essence, the duality will not cease.  The duality ceases only when ignorance ceases. Ignorance ceases only through wisdom.   Self-awareness or Brahmic –Awareness or Atmic-Awareness is possible only through wisdom.  Kriya yoga is very helpful in preparatory stages of pursuit of truth. Kriya yoga is preparatory tool to a raft upon which one will be able to cross a swift river to get to the other side; once one is on the far shore; there is no longer any need to carry the raft. The far shore is Self -Awareness, and when one arrives; one can see quite clearly that there was never any river at all. There is only oneness or OM. –FORMLESS PATH.

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