Monday, February 6, 2012

It is erroneous to judge the truth on the base of waking entity, when the self is not the waking entity.

Self-knowledge will interest only few people; the rest are interested egocentric paths,  such as  in Religion, yoga theoretical philosophy. 

Everyone is not in same level of understanding, some are in elementary level and some are in advanced stages. In elementary stages we have to use more words and concepts to make them understand and also to overcome the inherited conditioning, for advanced seekers are sharp enough to understand assimilate the truth with lesser words.       

Spiritual pursuit is a very personal journey. Seeker of truth has to bifurcate everything which is based on the waking entity or ego, [false self-], such as religion, God, path of love and humanity  and theories and philosophy in order to acquire Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

Seeker of truth should not indulge in condemning religion and yoga or its Gurus or Gods and its code of conduct. But he has to highlight its fallacy for his own information, which helps him to proceed deeper in investigation.

Seeker of truth has to mingle and discuss with like minded people but never indulge in arguments about religious doctrines and teachers and teachings and philosophies.

Religion and god and guru glorification and scriptural studies or yoga are not needed in pursuit of truth. Only one must have the intense urge to know the truth and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth, when un-contradictable truth is revealed through inquiry analysis and reasoning. 

A receptive mind free from religious and yogic or any sort of knowledge based on the ego is very much necessary to acquire the non-dual wisdom.

It is not the waking entity  that has to get freedom but it is the Soul , the innermost  self that is seeking freedom from experiencing the illusory experience of  birth, life, death and universe as reality. Only when self-wakes up from the sleep of ignorance by realizing its formless non-dual true nature the freedom happens. For this it has to drop the inborn samskara or conditioning of ‘I’ or ‘I AM’ by realizing it not ‘I’ or ‘I AM’.     
It is erroneous to judge the truth  on the  base of waking entity,  when the self is not the waking entity. The self is not the waking entity; therefore the individual waking  life is nothing to do with the formless soul the innermost  self.

The experience of birth, life, death and the universe are part and parcel of the waking experience ,which is mere  illusion.  Thus one need not here enter into any account of the course that the soul with its ignorance takes after death—along the way of the fathers, or of the Gods, or being debarred from either, according to its works and knowledge. Nor need one enter into any of the other psychological questions connected with the state of the soul after the death of the body or waking entity. 

Self is neither the waking entity nor the self is dream entity but self is the formless soul,which witnesses the three states.  the soul is  present in the form of consciousness.

 The formless  soul, the innermost self,   is not an individual and it  is birth- less, deathless because it is formless. Soul or consciousness  pervades in everything and everywhere in all the three states.  Therefore it is erroneous to base the ultimate  truth,  on  the individual experience of birth, life, death, God and universe .

Suffice it to say that the round of samsara remains for all except those who have attained the Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana. He who has attained to the knowledge of the identity of the self with consciousness, which involves the distinction of the self from its ignorance and consequently its freedom from them, has thereby attained Moksha, or freedom. This is a freedom for which one has not to wait till after death, but it may be possessed even in this very life.

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