Friday, February 17, 2012

Without understanding “what is mind?” and “what is the substance of the mind?” the self –realization is impossible.

Without understanding “what is mind?” and “what is the substance of the mind?” the self –realization is impossible. Without self-realization the non-dual peace, which is nature of the innermost  self,  is impossible 

Man can live his life either as entangled with the illusory world or being open to the spiritual realities. The human life does not consist in being caught up in the physical existence, but rather in a depth living, in which, one must experience the source of the universe within oneself.

 The task of human life is not to search for one’s ultimate destiny externally, but to move into himself and discover the ultimate truth of his own existence. It is not a new knowledge, but a realization of what one really is. It is a self-realization, in which one realizes consciousness as one's indwelling spirit (soul)

The goal of self-realization is consciousness, the ultimate universal spirit behind the mind, which is in the form of universe and soul, which is in the form of consciousness, the ultimate principle within the three states. Only when one has true knowledge about both mind and soul can one begin to experience the oneness between the two. The seeker of truth has to clarify these two notions in preparation for the analysis of the nature of mind and the self.

The mind, which is in the form of universe, is created out of consciousness.  Consciousness is principle substance and the cause of the illusion, which is in the form of universe. Consciousness is the unitary and supreme reality, which is hidden within the illusion but remains the same and resists change, thereby the knowledge of which frees one from experiencing the illusion, which is in the form of universe as reality.

Consciousness is the cause of the illusion, which is in the form of universe and it itself is uncaused.  Consciousness signifies the absolute and unlimited reality, which forms the substratum and the foundation of the illusion, which is in the form of mind or universe, and on which everything depends for its existence.

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