Monday, February 13, 2012

He who realizes that the form,time and space are one in essence will be able to acquired Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana .

He who claims  that he knows ultimate truth or Brahman  thereby proves himself ignorant because  the self is neither the form nor the time  nor the space. the self is the formless substance and witness of the form,time and space.  He who realizes that  the form,time and space are one in essence   will be able to  acquired Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana .

Those who seek to know self , as they can grasp things of ordinary knowledge, can never achieve their object. Those who realize the limitation of the ego  in respect of the knowledge of the soul, the innermost self  and, therefore, frankly confess ignorance, really approach a true understanding of it.

When non-dual wisdom dawns, than the universe (waking or duality) becomes mere mirage created out of consciousness.  The duality is present only when the universe is present.  If the universe is mere mirage than the duality also is mere mirage.   Thus all the illusory bonds of duality brakes and the ‘self’ is liberated from the clutches of duality which was experienced as reality. Same way as dream becomes unreal when waking takes place the duality becomes unreal when wisdom dawns.

Many think that it is worthwhile to acquire the miraculous powers through practice of yoga and mystism which in turn help him to create whatever they want wants in practical life. 

When the waking experience itself is an illusion than what is the use of miracles performed within the illusory experience. Whatever is based and performed on the base of  waking entity or ego is bound to be part of the falsehood. Hence miracles are part and parcel of illusion.

Those who are weeded to philosophical and scriptural knowledge will permanently remain in illusion believing their philosophical knowledge as real wealth.

Until and unless they make sure 'I' is not self and world is unreal through deeper self-search they are bound to believe their intellectual accumulated knowledge as wisdom. The wisdom is knowledge of the reality which is beyond the form, time and space. 

Philosophical and scriptural knowledge which are based on ego or waking entity  as self are not useful in pursuit of truth.

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