Saturday, February 11, 2012

Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana cannot come if world confronts one is left out.

Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana cannot come if world confronts one is left out. The whole universe must be included. Only when all is known can all be known to be but ideation. Hence yogis blotting all out in Samadhi cannot lead to Gnana. And yogic Samadhi is not wisdom. And it is foolish to accept the thoughtlessness is Gnana because in deep sleep is the state of thoughtlessness but it is not considered as Gnana or non-dual wisdom.

 The ‘I’-thought, the ego, belongs to the duality as does the universe thought. Intellectuals   may get the knowledge that the witness  is separate from witnessed , but they  will never know ultimate truth or  Brahman without inquiring into the universe , because they are giving up the universe , and hence cannot discover their  unity with the universe . The Gnani regards everything in the universe as consciousness; the intellectuals reject the universe because intellectuals base themselves on individuality. The individuality is greatest hindrance in pursuit of truth because they base themselves on ‘I’ as a witness, which is not a witness but ‘I’ is mere an object to the formless witness.

Consciousness cannot be known in the sense in which one knows objects of thought. It can be known only to the extent to which he knows them, he can only think of the knower when he is in the presence of the known, i.e. objects, for the latter make him aware that a knower must exist. Thus duality makes him think of the knower, but it cannot make him know the knower. The knower is known in the world of duality only by implication, as he cannot think without him. The knower is a concept, and cannot be known in itself.

Consciousness   is known only in the negative way. One cannot make it an object of knowledge. One can know that he cannot have an idea of an object unless he posit a knower, unless the knower is implied already. The Formless witness itself is Gnana, that is, it knows everything else.

The self is known only when one sees something else, for that other thing reminds him of it. The self is unknowable as an object. Knowing the ultimate truth means knowing that consciousness exists. The word knows implies duality, something known; on the other hand Gnana does imply an object. Consciousness knows the ego as an object. The knowing powers, the formless witness, the knower can have no statement made about it, other than that its existence cannot be negated. The ultimate truth which one can know is that consciousness is not something to be known.

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