Thursday, March 15, 2012

The body being in this world does not also exist and due to this, Prarabdha also does not exist,


The theory of fate (Prarabdha) is for the ignorant one because those who accept the waking entity as self and waking world as reality will remain in believing in the theory of birth, death and rebirth.

The waking entity and the waking world are reality within the waking experience. The waking experience itself is illusion from ultimate standpoint.

The body being in this universe , does not also exist and due to this, Prarabdha also does not exist, Though the Vedas speak of Prarabdha, For the understanding of the ignorant.

The Mundaka Upanishad tells that:-
Ksheeyanthethasyakarmanithasmindrushtechaparavare,Bahuthwamthan nishedarthasruthyageetham cha yathsphutam. 98

The body being in this world does not also exist and due to this, Prarabdha also does not exist, though the Vedas speak of Prarabdha, for the understanding of the ignorant.

All actions of man including Prarabdha,Perishes when one is able to see,Brahman which is in the higher and also lower,Thus tell the Vedas with clarity,*Cause and effectIf fate does not get destroyed, ignorance gets never destroyed and spiritual realization never comes.--FORMLESS PATH

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