In the waking or dream, the objects of
experience like sound, touch etc are varied and different from each other. The
one which is aware of the coming and going of the waking or dream is apart from
them and is soul or consciousness, the innermost self. Thus the universe
,which is present in the form of waking experience
is created out of single stuff, which is consciousness. Thus everything in waking
experience is mere mirage created out of consciousness. Thus the form and names
within the waking experience has no value therefore, everything is one without
the division of forms and names.
Man experiences the world within the waking or dream. The world is reality for man within the world. The man and world are unreality for the formless soul or consciousness the innermost self. The formless soul or consciousness is the formless substance and also the witness of the three states.
Thus the individual experiences such as birth, life, death and the world
or pain and pleasure are mere illusion from the ultimate standpoint. Thus basing on the waking entity and judging
the truth is erroneous because the self is neither the waking entity not the
dream entity bit the self is the formless witness of all the three states.
Thus I and I Am which is limited to the waking experience or dream is
not the self, because the consciousness which is the true self, pervades all
the three states as their formless substance and witness. Thus,
all the sense organs belong to the physical entity. And physical entity is
reality within the waking experience, but the waking experience itself is
unreal from the ultimate standpoint. Thus the ‘I’ ceases to exist without the form,
time and space, is falsehood.
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