As Sri, Sankara says: When the whole
universe, movable and immovable, is known to be Atman, and thus the existence
of everything else is negated, where is then any room to say that the body is
If waking entity is not the self then the karma theory has no meaning because the ultimate truth is based on the soul or Atman, the innermost self. . Thus no second thing exists other than Atman ,which is present in the form of consciousness, therefore why to view the
worldview on the standpoint of the waking entity as self (ego) when the waking entity or ego is the
false self, and the soul or Atman is the true self.
If body is not the
self, then the birth, life, death and the universe are bound to be
illusion. If birth, life and death are
illusion then all conducts actions and their fruits are mere illusion. If body
is not the self, then the existence of god, heaven and hell is mere illusion. If body is not the self then all religious
beliefs of god is mere illusion. If body
is not the self but the Atman [soul] which is in the form of consciousness is
the true self, then there is no scope for second thing other than
consciousness, therefore consciousness, which is Atman is
Brahman or ultimate truth. The Brahman
alone is real and eternal. Thus whatever
is real eternal has to be identified as god. To identify the real and eternal,
one has to overcome the ignorance caused by the illusion. To overcome the
ignorance one has to acquire the Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.
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