Sunday, March 11, 2012

One should realize the consciousness as whole universe without parts.

People who argue there is nothing beyond the universe; there is nothing other than the matter; that the body was the man; and death was end of all.  According to them there is no truth other than the practical life within the practical world, which they hold as reality. Their only agenda is as long as they live in the world live happily with all the pleasant things of life, who can demonstrate that there is something left after the physical death.  Beg, borrow or steal – but live happily is their mantra.    

There are also people who believe strongly there was a spirit which defied the ravages of time, which cannot be confined in space; that spirit transcends the limits of this universe in which the body exists.  

How one can decide what is truth,   when he is bound by birth, life and death or form, time and space?  

The consciousness is the innermost self. And nature of the consciousness is formless and non-dual.  One should realize the consciousness as whole universe without parts.  To describe non-duality as a system is erroneous because the dual and non-dual is the nature of the self. Duality is illusory nature of the self and non-duality is real nature of the innermost self, which is consciousness.  Ultimate truth  cannot be confined into a narrow set of ideas. 

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