Sunday, March 11, 2012

Though Gnani experiences the world he is one without the world because for Gnani ,his body is not body , his ego is not ego , his experience of the world is not world

A Gnani, while he is not in Samadhi, sees actions not opposed to knowledge taking place under the momentum of inborn conditioning or samskara – actions that have already begun to bear fruit, which he experiences through the physical body; through he is subject to human attributes such as hunger, thirst, grief, delusion, etc -- yet he does not consider them as real, for he has already known their nothingness.

 As a person leading a life within the practical world, even though he experiences it, does not consider it as real.

Since Gnani bases himself on the formless witness though he has eyes he is one without eyes; though possessed of ears, he is as one without ears. That is though he has body he one without the body.   Though Gnani  experiences  the world he is one without the world because for Gnani ,his  body is not body , his ego is not ego , his experience of the world is not world but he has the firm conviction that,  his body, ego and world  to be mere mirage created out of consciousness.  

Gnani does not see anything in the waking experience as in sound sleep; who though seeing duality does not really see it as he sees only the formless consciousness in everything and everywhere in all the three states.

 Gnani though engaged in work in practical life he is really inactive; he is establishes in his formless nondual true identity in the midst of the diversity.

In Gnani only good desires persist which existed before the dawn of knowledge. Or he may become indifferent to all good or evil because he is fully aware the good and evil are created out of same stuff. 

After realization, humility and other attributes which are steps to the attainment of knowledge, as also such virtues as non-injury etc., only persist. Such qualities as non-violence etc., come spontaneously to  Gnani who has got Self-knowledge or Brahma Gnana or Atma Gnana.

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