Monday, March 19, 2012

The mind rests itself in consciousness after becoming aware of the fact that, it is mere mirage created out of consciousness.

Ignorance is necessary in pursuit of truth and man and the universe is the product of ignorance. The longing for Liberation, and intense urge to know the truth and courage to accept the truth and reject the untruth, when the truth is revealed through inquiry, analysis and reasoning in necessary in pursuit of truth. 

The man who, having, mastery of the scriptures to boot, is foolish enough not to exert himself for self-liberation, dies as ignorant himself by clinging to the illusion, which he believes  as reality. If one believes the illusion as reality it means he has accepted the birth, life, death and the world as reality, which are mere happenings within the illusion. Whatever, happenings within the illusion is bound to be illusion, the formless substance and witness of the illusion (universe or mind) is real and eternal.   

What is the use of mastering the Scriptures? What is the use of quoting the Scriptures? What is the use of worship, rituals   and sacrifice to the gods?  By mastering scriptures knowledge and quoting scriptures and performing rituals and worship the gods, there is no Liberation without the realization of one’s identity with the soul, which is in the form of consciousness.

There is no hope of immortality by means of riches or accumulation of wealth or distribution of it to others. The good deeds, virtue , service to humanity  are not the means of Liberation .  
Munduka upanishda say:- Not know any higher good. Having enjoyed their reward on the heights of heaven, gained by good works, they enter again this world or a lower one.- First Mundaka -10-   Chapter I [Source: "the upanishads - a new translation" by swami nikhilananda in four volumes]

The seeker of truth should strive, his best for liberation from illusion, by realizing the fact that, the ego is not self, and accepting the soul as true self and constantly fixing his attention on the consciousness (soul), which is ultimate truth.

Having attained the non-dual self-awareness, one should recover one’s-self, immersed in the sea of illusory  experience of birth, life, death and world by means of right discrimination.

A Gnani having commenced the practice of the realization of the consciousness becomes aware of the fact that, all the bonds of birth, life death and the world are illusory, because all of it is created out of consciousness. Thus there is no second thing exist other then consciousness.  

Action leads to believe the duality as reality, not to perception of the Reality. The realization of Truth is brought about by discrimination and not in the least by means of acts. Therefore, there is a need to realize the fact that the self is not physical but it is consciousness in order to discriminate the truth which is hidden in the illusion. 

By adequate reasoning the conviction of the reality about the consciousness is gained, which puts an end to the great fear and misery caused by the illusion worked up in the deluded mind.

The conviction of the Truth is seen to proceed from deeper reasoning and gaining the wisdom.  The conviction of truth does not arise, neither by bathing in the sacred rivers, nor by donating wealth to the god men, nor by control of the vital force by regulating breath.

Success depends essentially on a qualified aspirant; time, place, circumstances and other such means are but auxiliaries in this regard.

The seeker after truth should take to reasoning, after duly realizing the fact that, the self is not physical but self is consciousness.  

An intelligent and learned man skilled in arguing in favour of the Scriptures and intellectuality  and in refuting counter-arguments against them – one who has got the above characteristics is not fit recipient of the knowledge of the self, which is in the form of consciousness.

The man who discriminates between the Real and the unreal, whose mind is turned away from the unreal, who possesses calmness, and who is longing for freedom , is alone considered qualified to inquire after ultimate truth.

The focus of attention to ultimate truth succeeds, and in the absence of which, it fails. Seeker must have enumerated discrimination between the Real and the unreal; and aversion to the illusion, and intense yearning for freedom from illusion.

Seeker must have a firm conviction to the effect that [soul] consciousness is real and the mind [universe] unreal is designated as discrimination between the Real and the unreal.

The mind rests itself in consciousness after becoming aware of the fact that, it is mere mirage created out of consciousness.

Acceptance by firm judgment as true of what the inquiry, analysis and reasoning revels, and by that means the Reality is perceived.

Not the mere indulgence in curiosity but the constant concentration of the intellect on the consciousness is self-settledness.

Yearning for Freedom is the desire to free one’s -self, by realizing the true nature of the innermost self, from all bondage of duality caused by Ignorance by realizing the fact that ,the self is not physical but self is formless consciousness. 

Even though mediocre, this yearning for Freedom, through the grace of the self, may being developed by means of renouncing ignorance and developing humility and patience .

In his case, verily, whose are ready to overcome the ignorance through inquiry, analysis and reasoning   and yearning for freedom are intense, calmness and humility will bear fruit.

The inquiry into the truth of one’s own self is devotion. The inquirer about the truth of the soul who is possesses means of attainment should continue reasoning, until he emancipation from bondage from illusion.

A knower of ultimate reality or Brahman, who has withdrawn himself into ultimate reality; for him there is no bondage, there is no cause and effect for him, because he is aware of the fact that, the self is not physical but it is formless consciousness. 

By worshiping that Guru with devotion, and approaching him, when he is pleased with prostration, humility and service, is not the means to self-realization.  This guru-dom is mere religious fable. 

The seeker of truth has to realize the fact that, the birth, life and death are reality within the illusion.    The consciousness has neither birth nor death because it is formless and eternal. Whatever is born lives and dies is not the consciousness because it was present prior to birth, and it was present after birth, and it is ever present after the death.  But it is only the formless substance and witness of the birth, life and death. The birth, life and death has nothing to do with it, because it is always apart and unaffected because it is not a physical entity or identity which has birth, life and death.    

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