Monday, March 12, 2012

A Gnani prefers not to cross examine others or indulge in argument and try to prove he is right others are wrong

A Gnani prefers not to cross examine others or indulge in argument and try to prove he is right others are wrong. He will say what he has to say. He does not impose others to accept his statements. . He tries to expose their fallacies of every path and practices to help the serious seekers no to condemn their chosen paths. . By showing that all other paths and doctrines are erroneous, he reveals that path of wisdom or truth is left as the only alternative.

If one has a belief, it is because somebody else believes it; or the majority believes it--or it is his own experience. Is it religious authority or religious sanction or is it based upon a feeling of certainty? Does one believe it merely because it works well or is it true? If one asks the question of Truth, it becomes a question of philosophy. Does one’s belief rest upon Reason? Nearly all people want their own imagination, not truth.

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