Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Direct realization of the ultimate truth or Brahman leads one to freedom from experiencing the illusion as reality.

Till one realizes the difference between soul, which is in the form of consciousness   and the mind which is in the form of universe, he cannot attain realization.

 One has to become aware of the fact that, the waking experience in which one exists along with his           experience of the universe is mere illusion. 

 Thus whatever one sees, knows, believes and experiences as person of the universe is mere illusion created out of consciousness, which is the true self. 

Waking experience; appears and disappears. Where does it go? The dreams appear and disappear. Where do these go? That into which all these go is soul, which is the source. The soul is in the form of consciousness and consciousness is indescribable. One cannot say what it is ultimately, but he knows it is.   

Consciousness is beyond the three states.  Consciousness is the absolute and ultimate truth. The ignorance of the true self is the cause of such illusion, which is experienced as reality.
Consciousness is the ultimate truth, and also God which pervades everywhere, and which is the cause of this illusion, which is in the form of the mind or universe.

Direct realization of the ultimate truth or Brahman  leads one to freedom from experiencing the illusion as reality. The seekers of truth can constantly reflect on this non-dual truth to get firm conviction.

Seekers who are after truth can propitiate through constant reflecting on the true self, which is consciousness, and attain their desired aim of reaching. 

Only consciousness is perennial, all others are impermanent, arriving at such a conviction, is truly the capacity for discrimination.

Self-Knowledge or Brahma Gnana  or Atma Gnana  is never attained without reflection, like an object is never seen without a bright light.

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