Monday, September 10, 2012

All doubts and confusions are based when the judgment is based on the ego as self.

The ego exists within the waking or dream. The ego functions as physical entity, within the waking or dream.  The soul, the innermost self is the witness of the three states.  One should not judge the three states on the standpoint of waking entity(ego), which is limited to waking alone. The witness of the three states is one. But waking entity and dream entity are different. In deep sleep the soul alone prevails and it is aware of the fact that there is no duality in deep sleep. But due to ignorance it is called deep sleep in waking.  The one which is aware of all the three states is formless, real and eternal.

That which is called deep sleep, where there is no waking or dream experience, because the soul, which is in the form of consciousness has withdrawn itself from waking or dream. This is complete absorption of the consciousness into itself. But this absorption is of an unconscious nature because it is without the wisdom.

The soul, while it appears to be a little conscious in dream, and more conscious in waking, is not conscious at all in deep sleep is judged on the base of ego. The consciousness exists prior to the appearance of the waking (the body, ego and universe), therefore, the consciousness which is the formless knower (witness) and it is apart from the three states.

All doubts and confusions are based when the judgment is based on the ego(waking entity) as self. Some hold the view that consciousness is possible only when there are objects. Consciousness can exist with or without the object. In waking or dream it is with object.  In deep sleep experience it is without the object.

 In the waking or dream consciousness is in the form illusion.  In deep sleep it is in its formless nondual true nature. 

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