Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Thus, the seeker has to realize without the mind, the body; ego and the world are non-existent.

When one is not doing any work but only sitting quietly or lying down, it is generally not possible to focus attention on one thought or only related thoughts. The ego simply runs amuck in all sorts of directions into mutually unrelated subjects and topics. On the other hand if one is engaged in a particular task, the ego stops with thoughts that are related only to that task on hand. Suppose ego decides to do meditation, it refuses to cooperate; in fact it takes itself into most unwanted avenues. This is the situation of every person who perceives the world with in the waking experience. It is an impossible task to make the mind still, without understanding, what is mind, and what is the substance of the mind.

Controlling the mind or the ego with action conduct and deeds is an impossibility. It is as good as trying to empty the ocean drop by drop.  With what one has to control the mind and ego. Is it possible to control  the mind with the mind, or ego with ego. Who has to control the mind, when everything belongs to mind in duality, because the mind itself is the whole experience of duality?  Therefore, the seeker has to understand what is mind, before indulging in pursuit of truth. Thus, finding the source of the thoughts or watching the thoughts, and focusing attention on the object, is not the means to acquire the nondual wisdom, because all these acts and actions are performed by the ego, within the mind/duality. Thus, the  seeker has to realize without the mind, the body; ego and the world are non-existent.  And the body, ego and the world together are the mind.  This point has to be understood by the seeker of truth.  

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