Sunday, September 2, 2012

The quest of truth begins with inquiring: Is there a God ? what is his nature?

 The quest of truth begins with inquiring: Is there a God ? what is his nature?
There has to be a proof. When such questions arise then it is the starting point of the quest for truth. Everyone has their own idea of god or no God, according to his parental grooming or accepted idea through circumstances. But he must know god as Truth. One must have proof of that God has created man and the world, because, no one has seen god creating the creation.  One can only assume or imagine about the existence of god.  God exist only for those who accept the belief system.

  • v  Why did God create pain and pleasure?
  • v  Why does he crate pleasure and make one indulge in pleasure? 
  • v  Why does he torture people with misery, new epidemics, terrorism, and wars?
  • v  Has God no better business to do?
  •  Why he created pain and pleasure in his creation? 
  • v  Is god a sadist and teaching people lessons through these violence and sufferings.
  • v  What lesson can God teach the people died in terrorism and wars, which is going on in the name of religion and god? 
  • v  How can one accept that God is all-merciful when he constantly displeases all humanity with hide and seek play of pain and pleasure? 
  • v  How does one know that man is related to God?

  • v  Why God created injustice, oppression, starvation, poverty, exploitation, inequality, slavery, epidemics, violence and wars?"

Only through scriptures one is saying man and world are creation of god.  No one has ever seen God, creating this universe, that he has manifested himself is merely supposed. Even it may be god’s creation, but how do one know, because man and world was not in existence prior to his creation. Man is talking of gods’ creation only after god created it. The religion, scriptures saints and sages prophets came into existence only after the creation came into existence.  Therefore, the scriptures cannot be taken as proof.

The saints and sages, prophets, might have been imagined the existence of god. To accept these scriptures blindly without reasoning is to possess the sheepish mentality.

Inquiry implies doubt, proof, evidence, so that even if God were to come and say that He is God, one would inquire into the truth of the statement. People are overawed by doctrines enunciated upon authority of some god men or religion or scripture.

The truth is universal, not individual. The truth must be tested.  If it is true, it will survive the test and will bear proof, without any scriptural authority to support it.  The idea of god cannot stand without the religious authority.  The religious authority suggests the existence of god but it cannot prove his existence. Blindly believing and belief is not the proof, because the belief is not god.

The truth has to be un-contradictable and it has to universally applicable. The truth has to be common for all people who pursue inquiry to the utmost extent.  The world often appears to be a reality when it is not properly inquired into. Even if most of the population declare that this world is the ultimate reality, their assertion is of less value than the assertions of a seekers of truth who have inquired into the nature and reality of the world and found it to be an idea.
Conviction of the Truth comes only by adequate reasoning in right direction. The bookish knowledge is not the means to acquire Self-Knowledge; there must be reasoning on them to know they are speaking of un-contradictable truth.

Some have got faith in a particular religion or teaching. Some have no faith in them. Thus there is contradiction. Nothing can be done about it. In the real truth there can be no contradiction, nor any possibility of it.

How does one know there a God? The onus of proof is on the one who makes this assertion.  Without proof one should not accept any doctrine. To reason means to go to the very end of things.

Verification, the testing and proving of truth, is absolutely necessary in pursuit of truth; in religion the truth is merely assumed.

There are degrees of truth, most doctrines are partially correct in coming gradually nearer to truth and thus pointing towards it.  Only non-dual alone cannot be contradicted, all others are contradictable. The religion is based assuming the existence of god.  Mere assuming the existence of the god makes one accept the duality as reality.  The idea of god makes one think he an individual separate from the world and idea of god. Until this conviction is there discovering, assimilating and realizing the ultimate truth is impossibility.

As deeper inquiry, analysis and reasoning on the true base reveals the fact that, the nature of truth is non-dual. It can never be changed under any circumstances. It may be misrepresented. It must apply to the whole of existence, to the whole of the three states. It is in the experience of duality alone that one has all changes.

 The ultimate truth remains unchanged and remains immortal. It can never die for it never changes. The mind is seen, and goes, but the witness or knower of the mind, can never go. Seeker has to take this principle as his guiding thread and non-dual truth becomes easy to assimilate.

 The reality can never be subject to the changes of the unreal; it is unchanged. The mistake usually made is that real becomes unreal, or that unreal is real.

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